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Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company <br />PI-GLD-VS (05/17) <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />GENERAL LIABILITY DELUXE ENDORSEMENT <br />SCHOOLS <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following' <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE <br />It is understood and agreed that the following extensions only apply in the event [hat no other specific <br />coverage for the indicated loss exposure is provided under this policy. Ifsuch specific coverage applies, <br />the terms, conditions and limits of that coverage are [he sole and occlusive coverage applicable under <br />this policy, unless otherwise noted an this endorsement. The following is a summary of the Limits of <br />Insurance and additional coverages provided by this endorsement. For complete details on specific <br />coverages, consult the policy contract warding. <br />Coverage Applicable <br />Limit of Insurance <br />Paget/ <br />Damage to Premises Rented to You <br />$300,000 <br />2 <br />Extended Property Damage <br />included <br />2 <br />Non -Owned Watercraft <br />Less Than 58 feet <br />2 <br />Supplementary Payments —Bail Bonds <br />$2,500 <br />2 <br />Supplementary Payment —Loss of Earnings <br />$500per day <br />2 <br />Medical Payments <br />$15,000 <br />3 <br />Medical Payments —Extended Reporting Period <br />3 years <br />3 <br />Employee Indemnification Defense Coverage for Employee <br />$25,000 <br />3 <br />Additional Insured— Medical Directorsand Aclnrinis[rators <br />In —dude d <br />3 <br />Additional Insured --Managers and Supervisors <br />Included <br />3 <br />Additional Insured —Broadened Named Insured <br />Included <br />3 <br />Additional Insured —Funding Source <br />Included <br />3 <br />Additional Insured —Managers or Lessors of Premises <br />—Included <br />4 <br />Additional Insured — By Contract, Agreement or Permit <br />Included <br />4 <br />Additional htsured—Broad Form Vendors <br />Included <br />4 <br />General Aggregate — Per Campus <br />Included <br />5 <br />Duties in the Even Iof Occurrence, Claim or Suit <br />—Included <br />-6 <br />Other Insurance — Primary Addi tonal Insured <br />Induded <br />6 <br />Other Insurance —You Are An Additional Insu ed On <br />Another Person's Or Or anization's Policy <br />Included <br />7 <br />Unintentional Failure to Disclose Hazards <br />Included <br />B <br />Liberal izat on <br />Included <br />8 <br />Bodily Injury —includes Mental Anguish <br />Included <br />8 <br />Personal and Advertising Injury — indudes Abuse of <br />Process Discrimination <br />Included <br />8 <br />Transfer of Rights of RecoveryAgainst Others To l <br />Glar rlcation <br />9 <br />Science Laboratory "Occurrence" <br />$50,000 <br />g. <br />Medical InddentLlabiliry—Nurse andAtlileticTniner <br />Included <br />9 <br />PI-GLD-VS (05117) <br />Page 1 of g <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office <br />uru oim,AM <br />r»ar:oInc., <br />with its peri� <br />ne <br />