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Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company <br />PI-GLD-VS (05117) <br />A. Damage to Premises Rented to You <br />1. If damage by fire to premises rented to you is not otherwise excluded from this Coverage Part, the <br />word "fire' is changed to "fire, lightning, explosion, smoke, or leakage from automatic fire protective <br />systems" where it appears in: <br />a. The last paragraph of SECTION I —COVERAGES, COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND <br />PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY, Subsection 2. Exclusions, <br />b. SECTION III - LIMITS OF INSURANCE, Paragraph 6.; <br />c. SECTION V— DEFINITIONS, Paragraph 9.a. <br />2. If damage by ire to premises rented to you is not otherwise excluded from this Coverage Part, the <br />words "Fire insurance" are changed to "insurance for fire, lightning, explosion, smoke, or leakage <br />from automate fire protective systems' where it appears in: <br />a. SECTION IV -COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS, Subsection 4. Other <br />Insurance, Paragraph 6. Excess Insurance <br />3. The Damage To Premises Rented To You Limit section of the Declarations is amended to the <br />greater of: <br />a- $300,000;or <br />b. The amount shown in the Dectarations as the Damage to Premises Rented to You Limit. <br />This is the most we will pay for all damage proximately caused by the same event, whether such <br />damage results from ire, lightning, explosion, smoke, or leaks from automatic ire protective <br />systems or any combination thereof. <br />B. Extended "Property Damage" <br />SECTION I -COVERAGES. COVERAGE A, COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY <br />DAMAGE LIABILITY, Subsection 2. Exclusions, Paragraph a. is deleted and replaced by the <br />following: <br />a. Expected or Intended Injury <br />"Bodily Injury" or "Property Damage" expected or intended It om the standpoint of the insured. <br />This exclusion does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" resulting from the use of <br />reasonable force to protect persons or properly. <br />C. Non -Owned Watercraft <br />SECTION I — COVERAGES, COVERAGE A BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE <br />LIABILITY, Subsection 2, Exclusions, Paragraph g. (2) is amended to read as follows: <br />(2) A watercraft you do not own that is: <br />(a) Less than 58 feet long, and <br />(b) Not being used to carry persons or properly for a charge, <br />This provision applies to any person, who with your consent, either uses or is responsible for the <br />use of a watercraft. This insurance is excess over any other valid and collectible insurance <br />available to the insured whether primary, excess or contingent. <br />D. Supplementary Payments <br />Under the SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS - COVERAGE A AND B provision, Ile <br />PI-GLD-VS (05117) Re�atwpa Br. <br />Page 2 of 9 7W pkwoa <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its per RhkWi q'" itam",A1de <br />