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•;VIODIERN TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL • SCHOOL, CATALOG `• <br />ACADEMIC POLICIES <br />SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS POLICY <br />ATTENDANCE POLICY <br />The school expects 100% attendance of all students. The minimum acceptable standard to ensure <br />reasonable progress in classes require student attendance cannot drop below 80% of any program <br />module or individual course. The school requires that students report absences by telephone to the <br />school and the clinical site on the day of absence; however, all absences and tardiness count toward <br />excessive absenteeism. Students who enter class after the class begins or leave early will be counted <br />as tardy. Students who arrive at their clinical site after their scheduled hour to start or go before their <br />scheduled hours will be counted as tardy. For 30 days, any combination of four late arrivals to <br />class/clinical site or early departures from class/clinical site equals one absence. <br />Note: X-ray Technician students must meet 100% of the Title 17 State Regulatory hour <br />requirements per subject indicated to graduate. <br />A student must not drop below 80% attendance. Should absences exceed 20% of any program module <br />or individual class, they will be placed on probation for the next 30 days. Should tardiness exceed 20% <br />of courses to date, they will be placed on probation for 30 days. Should attendance not improve to <br />acceptable levels, the student will be dismissed. Should a student be dismissed, they may apply for re- <br />admission. Students may be required to make up missed hours. <br />During the length of the entire program, any student who fails to maintain contact with the school for <br />more than FOURTEEN (14) calendar days will be automatically dropped from the school. <br />SATISFACTORY PROGRESS REQUIRED BY THE SCHOOL - ACADEMIC & ATTENDANCE <br />Students are advised that the school requires students to maintain satisfactory academic and <br />attendance progress to continue in the program. Financial Aid recipients must demonstrate satisfactory <br />progress at all times during the program. All students must maintain a minimum grade point average of <br />70% and a minimum of 80% attendance of any component throughout their program to pull down funds <br />for financial aid and other grant money. <br />Federal regulations mandate that students maintain satisfactory progress to remain eligible for federal <br />student aid, including loans, grants, veterans, and state financing programs. Students who do not <br />achieve the required grade point average or minimum mandatory attendance will be placed on <br />warning probation for 30 days. Students who do not then reach satisfactory academic or attendance <br />progress will be placed on a 30-day probation. Students who do not remove themselvesfrom <br />probation at the end of the 30-day calendar period will be subject to dismissal. <br />The student may appeal the probation by submitting an SAP appeal request to the FA Director for <br />approval if they wish to continue to receive financial aid disbursements. <br />It should be noted that students are expected to complete their program requirements within the required <br />time frame. But in no case may the student take more than 150% of the stated number of credit hours to <br />complete the program requirements. The student's completion rate will be measured no later than the <br />program's midpoint. If a student cannot complete the training within the maximum time frame, the <br />student will be dismissed from the program. <br />11 Published $antis y 1> 2 tkr4u h Detemhe�4 , 2023 _ All Rights Reserved 0 Visit lis at 1MV.mt8chodedu <br />