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MODERN Tt�CHNOLOGY SOHOOL SCHOOL CATALOG <br />GRADING SYSTEM <br />The grading system is as follows: <br />A 100-90 % 4-grade points for each unit completed <br />B 89-80 % 3-grade points for each unit completed <br />C 79-70 % 2-grade points for each unit completed <br />F 69-0% 0-grade point for each unit completed <br />W Withdrawal Students who voluntarily withdraw from a course within the first thirty (30%) <br />percent of attendance. <br />P Pass Student has fulfilled all the requirements of the course. <br />NP No Pass To be given to students who withdraw afterthirty (30%) percent unless there <br />are mitigating circumstances connected with the dropping of the course. In <br />the case of mitigating circumstances, a "W' is to be given as a final grade. <br />Incomplete To be given to students who have not completed course assignments or <br />exams required. The student must make up the required work within thirty <br />(30) days. Failure to do so will result in a failing grade for the course. <br />IP In progress Student is an active student. <br />A separate grade will be issued for the didactic and clinical components. The student's final grade point <br />average will be derived from didactic and clinical results. The final grade for a course represents a <br />student's performance in achieving the course's objectives. Each student is expected to have <br />satisfactory attendance, complete all workbooks & homework assignments, complete skills <br />development, and laboratory assignments, and complete and pass all quizzes and/or examinations. <br />UNIT OF CREDIT <br />Modern Technology School's academic year consists of thirty (30) weeks. Students who complete this <br />requirement are considered second -year students for academic and financial aid progress. Students <br />who complete a minimum of sixty (60) weeks and seventy-two (72) quarter credit units are considered <br />third -year students for academic and financial aid progress. <br />Modern Technology School defines one (1) credit hour (OCH) as the following: <br />• One credit hour equals 10.0 hours of classroom contact <br />• One credit hour equals 20.0 hours of supervised lab/shop <br />• One credit hour equals 30.0 hours of internship experience <br />CLASS HOUR <br />One class hour equals one class period of fifty minutes. <br />COURSELENGTH <br />Compared with other programs in other postsecondary schools, the course length is expressed in credit <br />hours and weeks. <br />EnnMrMEM <br />44 <br />