Course Descriptions
<br />Health Services Administration -
<br />Associate of Applied Science
<br />Module 3.0 units 46100lec/lab
<br />ENG101 English Composition (100% Online
<br />Course Only)
<br />English Composition guides you through the
<br />writing process of planning, drafting, revising,
<br />editing, and proofreading. In this course you will
<br />develop skills in crafting coherent sentences and
<br />paragraphs, and build skills editing your writing
<br />for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
<br />You will learn about narrative structure and
<br />techniques, and you will identify the elements that
<br />comprise successful argumentation and
<br />persuasive discourse. English Composition also
<br />guides you through every stage of the research
<br />process. You will develop a research plan,
<br />conduct research, organize, and draft a research
<br />paper, and then revise, edit, and proofread your
<br />research paper.
<br />Module 3.0 units 45/00leeilab
<br />MTH110 College Algebra (100% Online Course
<br />Only)
<br />College Algebra emphasizes techniques of
<br />problem solving using algebraic concepts. Topics
<br />include fundamental concepts of algebra,
<br />equations and inequalities, functions and graphs,
<br />and systems of equations; optional topics include
<br />sequences, series, and probability or analytic
<br />geometry.
<br />Module 3.0 units 45/00lec/lab
<br />PSY101 Introduction to Psychology (100%
<br />Online Course Only)
<br />Introduction to Psychology explores the major
<br />perspectives, principles, theories, and methods
<br />that govern the study of mental processes and
<br />behaviors. You will trace psychology's historical
<br />roots, scientific basis, and major perspectives. In
<br />addition, you will consider contemporary and
<br />historical theories of how biological, cognitive,
<br />and environmental factors underlie and influence
<br />human development, sensation and perception,
<br />consciousness, Intelligence, and social
<br />dynamics. This course also will introduce you to
<br />the theories and processes essential to learning,
<br />memory, motivation, and personality.
<br />Additionally, you will Identify psychological
<br />disorders and their treatments, and discuss
<br />application of psychological principles to
<br />everyday experiences and real -life examples.
<br />74
<br />Module 3.0 units 45100 lec/lab
<br />SC1201 Introduction to Biology (100% Online
<br />Course Only)
<br />Biology is an introductory course in which
<br />students examine the dual nature of the biological
<br />world: its unity and diversity. Students will explore
<br />both the unifying principles that underlie all life on
<br />Earth and the enormous diversity of biological
<br />structures produced as a consequence of
<br />evolution. The course introduces students to
<br />fundamental concepts concerning the molecular
<br />basis of life, cell structure and energetics, the
<br />genetic transmission of information, natural
<br />selection and adaptation, population biology, and
<br />ecology. The course provides students with the
<br />basic understanding of biological principles
<br />necessary to allow them to see their world in a
<br />new way, making connections between aspects
<br />of their own lives and the biological basis of life.
<br />Module 3.0 units 45/00 lee/lab
<br />SPH206 Speech (100% Online Course Only)
<br />Effective Communication provides students with
<br />a foundational knowledge of interpersonal
<br />communication, group communication, and
<br />public speaking, These foundational skills are
<br />essential —good communication skills are
<br />continuously ranked by employers as one of the
<br />most valued competencies for any employee.
<br />Upon completion of this course, students will be
<br />able to describe the methods and processes of
<br />interpersonal communication, group
<br />communication, and public speaking, as well as
<br />the theories and reasons behind them, Different
<br />types of communication will be examined to
<br />determine how they vary by gender, culture,
<br />setting, and type of relationship. People's
<br />perceptions often alter how they "read" and
<br />respond to both verbal and nonverbal
<br />communication. Students will analyze these
<br />perceptions and explain methods for Improving
<br />communication skills. In addition, the course
<br />assignments will allow students to gain valuable
<br />experience in group communication and public
<br />speaking.
<br />Module 3.0 units 30/30 tee/lab
<br />HSA200 Health Information Technology (100%
<br />Online Course Only
<br />This course is designed to teach the emerging
<br />healthcare professional in a theoretical and
<br />practice approach to healthcare information
<br />technology and management. This innovative
<br />approach targets students who respond best to
<br />hands-on and visual learning. Basic
<br />understanding of computer technology in health
<br />