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12/23/2024 9:36:11 AM
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7/3/2023 9:40:58 AM
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Human Resources
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b. Services Provided <br />A. GENEBALCONTRAC'1'ORREOUIREMF.N'fS <br />'IT..0 Group will provide Clerical, Accounting, Office, Administrative and Professional candidates to the City of Santa Abu. as requested. <br />Additiotilly. TF(: Group specializes in the following: <br />• Administrative & Clerical • Human Resources • Customer Service & Call Center <br />• Accounting At Finance & IT' a Sales & Marketing • Engineering & Design <br />TE'C Group will submit qualified candidates to the City in a timely manner, within 2 hours after being requested All scheduled work dates will be <br />coordinated at least one day, prior to the start of an assignment. A detailed proposal of the assignment turd an invoice will be provided, according to <br />the specifications provided by the City department. prior to placing a TEC (croup temporary employee of the City, the following criteria will be <br />Rdlotwd and in place <br />• Proper 1-9, Employment Eligibility Verification <br />• Live Scan fingerprinting and/or background check have been processed completed and passed, if requested by the City. <br />• Selected TF:C Group temporary candidate selected for an assignment meets all essential job functions mid minimum qualification <br />requirements for the vtufous types or services. <br />• 'Typing speed of TEC (croup temporary candidate is at least 30 wpm, and iNlicrosoll Office capabilities have been tested and are met with <br />positive results as required. <br />• TEC Group conducts due diligence employment verification/references of the'1'EC Group temporary candidate to verily work history and <br />positive feedback. <br />• The TEC Group temporary candidate is bilingual in English and Spanish or Vietnamese when required for an assignment. <br />• Verifies that TEC Group temporary candidate is not a retired annuitant of the California Public Employees Retirement System (Ca1PERS). <br />TEC Group will not impose to temporary to permanent placement tee. It is not applicable fir temporary candidates that are hired by the Ch% <br />through the competitive recruitment proces& regardless of introduction or assignment by ql{C Group. Direct hire placement is only applicable <br />lux direct hire placement requests or ifa TEC Group ternponry candidate was hired without a competitive recriumnenn process. <br />A. SPECI 1 ATI NS/ C OFSERVI ,ES <br />fho City o 'Santa Ana Human Resources Department will contuct'rEC Group for temporary services and provide the title, skills and experience that <br />is required. Certain positions may require bilingual skills. TEC Group will provide temporary candidates as required and approved by City <br />departments to work at the various C'it-v of Santa Ana locations. <br />TEC Group kill compare the job requirements to the TF.0 Group temporary candidates qualifications. and will entail resumes along with test results, <br />when requested. <br />ITC Group will follow tip with the City in a timely manner, and within two hours to provide names of qualified TEC Group candidates for City <br />approval, If TP..0 Group is unable to identify, it quallficd TEC Croup candidate within four hours of the initial request, the City reserves (he right to <br />reach nut to other temporary agencies for assistance with the phice.mem. <br />Onec a'1'L'C Group candidate hits been selected and the hourly pay rate has been agreed upon,'] EC Group will provide, a detailed prupusat in the <br />City, including ibc job description, hourly pay rate of the "I EC Group candidate, bad the mark-up rate. I he City will [ten review and sign tine <br />proposal, once approved. <br />All JT''C Group invoices will include the following: <br />a) Agreement number, b) Requesting City department. c) Department contact name/requester name d) TEC Group candidate's name, <br />e) hourly pay rate and mark-up rate. 1) Dues oi'assignment duration, g) "Total hours worked during duration of assignment. <br />Tee Group will provide the TIiC Group temporary workers who have the required skills for the assignment. <br />City has the right to end a TEC Group temporary candidate's assignment for poor work performance, poor attendance or for other business -related <br />reasons. When requested by the City. TEC Group will ond'rl?C Group temporary candidate's assignment, at the specified time and date A <br />replacement for the endcd'rEC Group temporal)! candidate will be provided. if requested by the City. <br />TEC' Group will be responsible lot aft decisions concerning matters of hiring, firing, discipline, payroll, bcnctifs such as vacation, paid sick leave. <br />and other leave honefits. "fEC Group temporary candidates arc'1'EC Group employees and arc in no way considered City employees. <br />
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