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12/23/2024 9:36:11 AM
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7/3/2023 9:40:58 AM
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Human Resources
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+CCO <br />e. Proposed Work EC Group's Understanding of City's Scope of Work Approach to Completing Work Specified in the Scope of Work <br />i. Anlicipated Approach- <br />I'EC Group candidates must he able to pass the City's required Live Scantbackground screenings. <br />Typing and Microsoft Office abilities will be tested as well as any other required sof Nate expertise that the City department requires, ITC Group <br />utilizes Aspiring Minds sollwarc to conduct the testing. <br />TEC Group will work on obtaining employment references/veriilcation. MC Group will screen for temporary candidates to be bilingual, if requested <br />by the City, have the proper 1.9, verification of employment or references. TEC Group will verify dial our temporary candidate is not a retired <br />annuitant of CalPERS. <br />Once candidates have been identified and deemed qualified, they will be provided to the City in a timely manner, typically within 2 hours. A restate <br />will he provided, along with a detailed profile, summarizing the candidate's work experience. Test results will also be submitted, if requested by" the <br />hiring manager. Candidate interviews can be coordinated by our recruiting learn us a nest step, or the City's hiring manager may choose to start the <br />selected candidate. Once we offer the candidate the position, we will make sure to send it proposal to the City for the selected candidate, including the <br />job description, hourly pay rate for the TF.0 Group temporary candidate, and markup rate. Ilie City will rcvicw and sign the proposal as a nest stop. <br />This will be completed prior to the TEC Group employee starting their assignment at the City, Additionally, all scheduled work dates will be <br />coordinated at least one business day before the start of the assignment. The work schedule will be confirmed as well, as it will most likely he a 9180 <br />work schedule at One City. <br />Once our'IBC Group employee has started their assignment at City of Satita Ana the employee will receive a weekly paycheck freun TEC Group. <br />Additionally, City of Santa Ana will receive a weekly invoice via email with the detailed proposal, according to the specifications required by the <br />City department. In addition, quarterly and annual reports will be provided to the City's Iluman Resources Department, I'EC Group will notify the <br />Department contact and the HR Department within 30 working days once a TGC Group temporary employee reaches 960 hours. <br />ii. A'o,saugge.slioms orspeciul concerns {or the evahavion corammee <br />iii, Lie,((-vembles/Amnlementadat Plmr/Tr#XJkg eud exanwle: <br />I ) Receive Order Request for Office Assistant at 10am <br />2) Candidate's resume and profile submitted by 12 min with testing scores of MS Word and typing tests (or any additional required <br />tests). <br />3) Verification orproper 1.9 and employment/references received. Submitted candidate was screened for bilingual in Spanish, and <br />confirmation received that candidate is not a retired annuitant of CIalPF.RS. <br />J) Coordinate candidate interview for nest day, depending on City's hiring manager's schedule. <br />^) City selects a candidate to start assignment, offer sent to selected candidate. <br />6) Once oftcr accepted, start Live Scan/background screening.. <br />7) Send proposal to City including job description, hourly pay rate, and mark-up rate. <br />g) City reviews and signs proposal. <br />9) Start date, 9/80 work schedule are confirmed with candidate one day before assignment starts. <br />10) Candidate starts assignment. <br />11) follow up with City on candidate arrival. <br />12) Weekly paycheck processed for TEC Group empinvice. <br />13) Follow up with City to see how candidate is performing. <br />Id) Weekly invoice entailed to City with the detailed proposal. <br />1 S) Quarterly and annual Excel reports are provided to City's Human Resources Department. <br />16) Track hours worked, notifying City Department Manager and MR 30 days prior to employee reaching 960 hours. <br />f.References- Sce Attachment B. Please see Over references of similar projects performed for similar government clients <br />2, Cost Proposal- Sce Attachment G of Cost Proposal. jee rate .sehedale.vhown !n Atrachitient G, <br />VII..Certiflcatiots!Attachments>-'rhe following forms are signed and included in this proposal submittalpackage: <br />Attachment A: Proposer's Certification and Proposal Item Pricing <br />Attachment f3: References <br />Attachment C: Proposer's Statcmem <br />Attachment D: Nun -Collusion Alfdavit <br />Attachment F: Non -Lobbying Certification Attachment F: F: Non -Discrimination Cerifcotion <br />Attachment G: Cost Proposal Form <br />
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