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Financial Information <br />Cancellation & Refund <br />Student's Right to Cancel <br />You have the right to cancel this agreement, without <br />obligation, and obtain a full refund of all amounts paid, <br />through attendance at the first class session, or seventh <br />day after enrollment, whichever is later. <br />Applicants or students may cancel or terminate their <br />enrollment at any time, before or during their training, <br />Applicants or students shouldnotify an Academic Dean <br />or Campus President of their intent to cancel or <br />withdraw either in person, via telephone, email, or in <br />writing. If you cancel this Agreement within the <br />prescribed time period, the Institution will refund any <br />money that you paid within 10 days after your notice of <br />cancellation. <br />Students who have not visited the Institution facility <br />prior to enrollment will have the opportunity to cancel. <br />without penalty if notice of cancellation is given before <br />midnight of the fifth business day following the first <br />class you attend. <br />Student's Right to Withdraw <br />Effective: 06/19/2020 <br />The Institution's policy for determining the Student's <br />withdrawal date is the earlier of (A) the date the Student <br />notifies the Institution of his or her withdrawal or the <br />date specified by the Student or (B) the last recorded <br />date of class attendance by the Student, as <br />documented by the Institution, if the Student stops <br />attending classes without notifying the Institution or (C) <br />the date the Student violates published Institution <br />policy that provides for the Student being withdrawn. <br />The Student's start date through the last date of <br />attendance will determine the percentage of program <br />completion, and the applicable percentage will be <br />applied to the formula used in the refund calculation as <br />stated below. <br />For students withdrawing from degree -granting <br />programs or the Vocational Nursing program, the <br />percentage of program completion is calculated by <br />dividing the number of days the Student was scheduled <br />to attend in the period of enrollment or payment period <br />as of the last recorded day of attendance into the <br />number of days comprising the period of enrollment or <br />payment period for which the Student has been <br />charged. <br />For students withdrawing from diploma programs, the <br />percentage of program completion is calculated by <br />dividing the number of days the Student was scheduled <br />to attend in the period of enrollment or payment period <br />as of the last recorded day of attendance into the <br />number of days comprising the period of enrollment or <br />payment period for which the Student has been <br />charged. <br />Financing Requirements <br />All students must have a financing package on file no <br />Later than the seventh calendar day of their first term. <br />This may include but is not limited to application and <br />confirmation of eligibility for Title IV funding, if desired; <br />executed individual payment plan; completion of all <br />documentation needed to secure non -Title IV funding <br />(e.g„ WIA, VA, state grant). <br />Concorde reserves the right to withdraw at any time <br />any student who fails to complete their individual <br />financing requirements or make timely payments. <br />Refund Policy <br />Refunds are made for a student who withdraws or is <br />withdrawn from the Institution prior to the completion <br />of his/her program and are based on the tuition billed <br />for the payment period or period of enrollment In which <br />the Student withdraws, according to the Refund <br />Calculation set forth below. Refunds will be based on <br />the total charge incurred by the Student at the time of <br />withdrawal, not the amount the Student has actually <br />paid. The date from which refunds will be determined is <br />the last date of recorded attendance. Refunds will be <br />made within 45 calendar days of the notification of an <br />official withdrawal or date of determination of <br />withdrawal by the Institution. Students who withdraw, or <br />are withdrawn prior to the end of the payment period or <br />period of enrollment are subject to the Return of Title IV <br />Funds Policy noted below which may increase their <br />balance due to the Institution. If there Is a balance due <br />to the Institution after all Title IV funds have been <br />returned, this balance will be due Immediately, unless a <br />cash payment agreement for this balance has been <br />approved by the Institution. Concorde does not refund <br />charges for booklist items issued to the Student unless <br />the items are returned in new and unused condition <br />within 14 calendar days following the date of receipt or <br />Student withdrawal. Credit balances due to the Student <br />of less than $5 (after all Title IV refunds have been <br />made) will not be refunded unless requested by the <br />Student, <br />Refund Calculation <br />The schedule of refunds for students who withdraw <br />after starting school, or are dismissed by the Institution, <br />wilt be computed as follows: <br />If a first-time student withdraws within the first <br />twenty-one (21) calendar days of his or her <br />program of study, no tuition charges will be <br />incurred, <br />A first-time student is defined as one who has <br />not previously attended the Institution. <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date; May 20. 20231 Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />34 <br />