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Community Activities <br />Concorde participates in community activities and <br />encourages students to become active community <br />members. Students are encouraged to notify the <br />Campus President, Academic Dean or Director of <br />Student Affairs of any upcoming activities in which they <br />would like the school to participate. <br />Customized Training <br />Concorde Career College offers customized training <br />and technical assistance to employers on a contractual <br />basis. Specialized curriculum and consultant services <br />can be provided for business -specific needs. <br />Day Care Services <br />Children are not permitted in any class, nor are they <br />allowed on school premises while a parent or guardian <br />is attending class. For information regarding day care <br />services available to students at a reasonable cost, <br />students may contact the Student Affairs department. <br />Many area day care centers understand the need for <br />quality care at a reasonable cost while pursuing <br />educational goals, and the school maintains a list of <br />those centers. <br />Eating &Smoking <br />Students are welcome to pause, relax, eat and drink in <br />the student lounge. Smoking, in all forms (e.g„ <br />cigarettes, e-cigarettes), and chewing tobacco are not <br />allowed in the building. If students wish to smoke or <br />chew tobacco, they may do so outside of the building in <br />designated areas. Absolutely no food or beverage are <br />allowed in the labs, Absolutely no food or beverage are <br />allowed in the classrooms unless approved by the <br />campus administration, <br />Emeraencv Telephone Numbers <br />Each student must provide the school with one or more <br />telephone numbers where a family member may be <br />reached in an emergency. Only in the case of an <br />emergency will a student be called out of class to take <br />a telephone call. <br />Institutional nformatigD Dissemination <br />Federal regulation 34 CFR 668,44 requires Concorde to <br />designate an employee or group of employees who <br />shad be available on a full-time basis to assist enrolled <br />or prospective students in obtaining information on the <br />following topics: <br />Financial assistance information, <br />Tuition and costs, withdrawal and refund policy, <br />academic progress, facilities, faculty, and school <br />approvals. <br />Completion and retention rate calculations, <br />Institutional Security Policies. <br />If a student has any questions, he or she should see one <br />of the following personnel: Campus President, Director <br />of Admissions, Financial Aid Director or Academic Dean. <br />Insurance <br />Concorde provides students with accident insurance <br />that covers injuries due to an accident that occurs while <br />attending or participating in a Concorde -supervised and <br />sponsored activity. The policy is intended to <br />supplement the students' own insurance, and it requires <br />students to submit a claim to their own insurance <br />carrier first (if they have insurance). The insurance has a <br />$5,000 limit on covered benefits. For clarification, <br />students should check with the Campus President. <br />International Student Services <br />Concorde does not admit students based on student <br />visas because Concorde does not participate in the <br />SEVIS program, <br />Language of Instruction <br />All classes at Concorde are conducted in English. No <br />English language services are provided. All students <br />must be able to demonstrate the English language <br />proficiency of a U.S. high school graduate by passing <br />the applicable Wonderlic entrance exam, as indicated <br />on page 8 of this Catalog. <br />Lost Books & Supplies <br />Textbooks and curriculum materials are provided for all <br />students; however, lost books are the students <br />responsibility to purchase at cost. Students will be <br />expected to furnish such Incidentals as paper, <br />notebook, pencils and pens. <br />Maximum Class Size <br />Classes are generally limited in size not to exceed 30 <br />students per laboratory or lecture session. Specific <br />programmatic requirements are addressed in the <br />program section of this catalog. Vocational Nursing <br />classes are not to exceed: 45 students <br />EPaff kin <br />Parking is provided for students, Students park in the <br />parking lot at their own risk. Concorde is not responsible <br />for any damage or loss. <br />Personal Belonainas <br />Purses, clothes, books, etc„ should not be left <br />unattended, as the school does not assume <br />responsibility for loss or theft. <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date: May 20, 2023 1 Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />44 <br />