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the length of the relationship, type of the relationship, <br />and the frequency of interaction between persons in <br />the relationship. Dating Violence includes but Is not <br />Limited to sexual or physical abuse or threat of such <br />abuse but does not Include acts covered as Domestic <br />Violence (defined below). <br />Domestic Violence.A felony or misdemeanor crime of <br />violence committed by a: (1) current or former spouse <br />or intimate partner of the victim; (2) person with whom <br />the victim shares a child in common; (3) person who is <br />cohabitating with, or has cohabitated with, the victim as <br />a spouse or intimate partner; (4) person similarly <br />situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or <br />family violence laws of thejurisdiction in which the <br />crime of violence occurred; or (5) any other person <br />against an adult or youth victim who is protected from <br />that person's acts under the domestic or family violence <br />laws of thejurisdiction in which the crime of violence <br />occurred, <br />• Sexual Assault.An offense that meets the definition of <br />rape, fondling, incest, or statutory rape as used in the <br />FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting program, <br />StaLking.Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a <br />specific person that would cause a reasonable person <br />to fear for the person's safety or the safety of others or <br />suffer substantial emotional distress. <br />Concorde regards at[ such conduct and retaliation for <br />the reporting of such conduct as creating a hostile and <br />offensive work and learning environment in violation of <br />this policy. <br />The following person has been designated to handle <br />inquiries regarding Concorde's Title IX Policy: <br />Koala Foura, M,Ed <br />Student Affairs Director <br />Lead Title IX Coordinator <br />Lead ADA Coordinator <br />Concorde Career Colleges <br />5800 Foxridge Drive, Suite 5oo <br />Mission, KS 66202 <br />Office: 913.745.2219 <br />Fax: 913.831,6556 <br />Email: TITLEIX()concorde edu <br />A person may also file a complaint with the Department <br />of Education's Office for Civil Rights regarding an <br />alleged violation of Title IX by visiting www2, <br />about/offices/tist/ocr/complaintintro,html or calling <br />1-800- 421-3481, Employees may also file a charge with <br />the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission <br />regarding an alleged violation of Title VII by calling <br />1-800-669-4000 or visiting bttpa;// <br />emp>oyees/howtofite cfm. <br />Sex Discrimination and <br />Harassment Prohibition <br />Procedures —Title IX Procedures, <br />Including Grievance Procedures <br />Effective; o8/14/2020 <br />I. Introduction <br />A. Purpose: The purpose of these procedures is to <br />implement Concorde's Sex Discrimination and <br />Harassment Prohibition —Title IX Policy, Capitalized <br />terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the <br />Definitions Section set forth below. <br />B. Jurisdiction: These procedures apply to Prohibited <br />Conduct as defined by Concordes Sex Discrimination <br />and Harassment Prohibition —Title IX Policy 04-018 <br />where Concorde has Actual Knowledge of such <br />conduct occurring either on or of campus property <br />where one of the following conditions is met: <br />1. The conduct occurred in connection with an officially <br />recognized education program or activity; <br />2. The conduct occurred at a location or event or under <br />circumstances over which Concorde exercised <br />substantial control over both the Respondent and the <br />context in which the conduct occurred; or <br />3• The conduct occurred on property owned or <br />controlled by a student organization that is officially <br />recognized by Concorde. <br />C. Scope: These procedures apply to Prohibited <br />Conduct between the following parties located In the <br />United States at the time of the Incident: <br />1, Student Complainant and student Respondent; <br />2, Student Complainant and employee Respondent; <br />3, Student Complainant and third -party Respondent; <br />4, Employee Complainant and student Respondent; <br />5. Employee Complainant and employee Respondent; <br />6. Employee Complainant and third -party Respondent; <br />7. Third party Complainant and student Respondent; <br />and <br />8. Third party Complainant and employee Respondent, <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date: May 20. 2023 1 Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />59 <br />