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Sexual Assault. An offense that meets the definition of <br />rape, fondling, incest, or statutory rape as used in the <br />FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting program. <br />Stalking. Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a <br />specific person that would cause a reasonable person <br />to fear for the person's safety or the safety of others or <br />suffer substantial emotional distress. <br />Racial. Religious, or National Origin <br />Harassment <br />Racial, religious, or national origin harassment deserves <br />special mention as well and Is expressly prohibited by <br />this policy. Racial, religious, or national origin <br />harassment includes any verbal, written, or physical act <br />in which race, religion, or national origin is used or <br />implied in a manner that would make a reasonable <br />student or associate uncomfortable in the work and <br />Learning environment. Examples of racial, religious, or <br />national origin harassment includejokes that include <br />reference to race, religion or national origin, the display <br />or use of objects or pictures that adversely reflect on a <br />person's race, religion, or national origin, or use of <br />language that is offensive due to a person's race, <br />religion, or national origin. <br />How to Report Instances of <br />DISCYIYYIinatlOn Or HaYa$Sment <br />Concorde cannot resolve matters that are not brought <br />to its attention. Any associate or student, regardless of <br />position or program, who has a complaint of or who <br />witnesses discrimination or harassment at work or <br />school by anyone, including supervisors, managers, <br />associates, nonassociates or students, has a <br />responsibility to immediately bring the matter to <br />Concordds attention. To bring instances of <br />discrimination or harassment to Concordds attention, an <br />associate or student must immediately complain to <br />either of the following individuals who are responsible <br />for enforcing this policy: the Campus President or <br />Human Resources, Concorde Career Colleges, Inc. <br />Complaints of sexual misconduct or harassment should <br />be reported to the Campus President and/or campus <br />Title IX Coordinator. <br />Concorde's Commitment to NO <br />Discrimination or Harassment Policy <br />If a student feels that Concorde has not met its <br />obligations under the policy, he or she should contact <br />Human Resources at Concorde Career Colleges, Inc. <br />Sex Discrimination and <br />Harassment Prohibition —Title IX <br />Policy <br />Effective: 08/14/2020 <br />Concorde does not discriminate on the basis of sex in <br />the education programs and activities it operates, <br />including but not limited to admissions, recruiting, <br />financial aid, academic programs, student services, <br />counseling and guidance, discipline, class assignments, <br />grading, recreation, extracurricular activities and <br />employment, Concorde is committed to offering an <br />education and working environment that is free from <br />discrimination and harassment on the basis of sex, <br />sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender <br />expression ("Sex Discrimination'), and free from Sexual <br />Violence (including sexual assault) and Relationship <br />Violence (including domestic violence, dating violence <br />and stalking). Such discrimination is inconsistent with <br />Concorde's values and is prohibited by law, including by <br />Title IX to the Education Amendments of 1972 ("Title IX"). <br />Thus, Concorde prohibits Sex Discrimination, Sexual <br />Violence and Relationship Violence (together, the <br />"Prohibited Conduct'). as set forth herein, and is <br />committed to taking action, to the extent possible (i) to <br />stop behavior that violates this policy; (ii) to take <br />remedial action to overcome the effects of Prohibited <br />Conduct and ensure equal access to its educational <br />programs and activities; (III) to prevent the recurrence of <br />Prohibited Conduct, and (iv) to prevent and respond to <br />retaliation against anyone who, in good faith, reports or <br />is involved in the investigation into or resolution of <br />allegations of Prohibited Conduct. In so doing, the <br />College will administer prompt, fair and impartial <br />investigations and disciplinary proceedings to respond <br />to reports of Prohibited Conduct via its Title IX <br />Grievance Procedures located within this policy and <br />provide equal and timely access to information that will <br />be used in any informal and format proceedings and <br />meetings related to said reports, and offer and <br />implement interim measures to protect and support <br />those directly involved and affected by the alleged <br />behavior. In implementing this policy, Concorde <br />acknowledges that every victim or survivor of <br />Prohibited Conduct has the right to be taken seriously <br />and every respondent to allegations of Prohibited <br />Conduct has the right to know that guilt is not <br />presumed. <br />The prevention and elimination of sexual harassment is <br />of special concern to Concorde. Sexual harassment <br />includes conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one <br />or more of the following: (1) an employee conditioning <br />the provision of an aid, service or benefit of Concorde <br />on an individuals participation in unwelcome sexual <br />conduct; (2) unwelcome conduct determined by a <br />reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive and <br />objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person <br />equal access to Concorde's education program or <br />activity; and/or (3) Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, <br />Domestic Violence, or Stalking as defined herein. <br />Dating Violence,Violence committed by a person who <br />Is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or <br />intimate nature with the survivor/victim based on the <br />reporting party's statements, with consideration given to <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date: May 20, 2023 1 Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />58 <br />