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conduct a hearing to determine responsibility. A copy of <br />the investigative report and party response(s), if any, <br />shall be provided to the Grievance Officer. Within three <br />(3) business days of the assignment, Written notice of <br />the identity of and contact information for the Grievance <br />Officer and an explanation of the process for <br />challenging the assignment based on conflict of <br />interest or bias shall be sent to all parties. Any <br />challenge must be resolved before the hearing process <br />may begin. <br />B, Notice of Hearing: Within three (3) business days <br />following assignment of the Grievance Officer or any <br />decision regarding a challenge to that assignment, the <br />Grievance Officer shall notify the parties, in writing, of <br />the date, time, and location of the hearing along with <br />their Notice of Hearing Rights & Responsibilities. The <br />Notice of Hearing must be sent at least ten (10) <br />business days prior to the assigned hearing date. <br />s. Consolidated Complaints: In situations where <br />complaints have been consolidated as described <br />herein, the Grievance Officer may choose to conduct a <br />single hearing, or divide the hearings, as appropriate. <br />Parties have the right to object to consolidation if they <br />believe such consolidation would prejudice their rights. <br />Any objection shall be heard by the Grievance Officer <br />before the start of the hearing. <br />2. Consolidated Hearings: In situations that involve <br />Prohibited Conduct and conduct that may violate other <br />College Policies or standards of conduct, the College <br />reserves the right to consolidate the hearings on all <br />conduct violations utilizing these procedures. The <br />Notice of Hearing will include any decision to <br />consolidate hearings. <br />C. Advisor Identification: Within ten (10) business days <br />prior to the assigned hearing date, the parties must <br />notify the Grievance Officer, in writing, of the name and <br />contact information of the advisor they have chosen to <br />attend the hearing and conduct questioning on their <br />behalf. The Grievance Officer will assign an advisor to <br />attend the hearing for any party who fails to provide this <br />notification. The College wit[ ensure that any assigned <br />advisor understands the purpose and scope of her/his <br />role, including how to conduct questioning. <br />D. Hearing <br />1. Live Hearing: A live hearing wilt be conducted with all <br />parties physically present in the same geographic <br />Location. or "virtually' present through the use of <br />technology enabling the participants to simultaneously <br />har and see one another. An audio or audiovisual <br />recording, or transcript of the hearing will be created <br />and available for inspection and review by any party. <br />2. Closed Hearing; The hearing shall be closed, <br />meaning that only the parties and decision-maker(s) <br />shall be present for the entirety of the hearing, <br />Witnesses Wit[ be present (virtually or in person) only <br />white providing their testimony. <br />3. Opening Remarks; The Grievance Officer wilt open <br />the hearing by summarizing the following: <br />1. The allegations contained in the Formal Complaint; <br />ii. The sections of the applicable Policy implicated by <br />the allegations; and <br />iii. The guidelines and rules governing the hearing. <br />4. Presentation of Evidence: All parties will have an <br />equal opportunity to make statements and present <br />relevant evidence of any sort (e.g„ documents, <br />recordings, witness testimony, etc.) regardless of <br />whether or not that evidence was provided or <br />considered in the investigation process. <br />I. Questioning: The Grievance Officer and the parties <br />shaft have an opportunity to pose relevant questions <br />and follow-up questions of the parties and witnesses. <br />All said questioning must be conducted directly, orally, <br />and in real time. Only a party's advisor, NOT the party <br />her/himself; may conduct said questioning on behalf of <br />the party. The Grievance Officer may ask questions at <br />any time. The Grievance Officer does not have authority <br />to compel the testimony of any person (party or <br />witness). If a party or witness fails to submit to <br />questioning at the hearing, the Grievance Officer may <br />not rely on any statement of that party or witness in <br />reaching a determination regarding responsibility, <br />ii. Relevancy Determinations; Before a party or witness <br />answers a question from another party, the Grievance <br />Officer must determine if the question is relevant and <br />explain any decision to exclude the question as not <br />relevant. A challenge to that determination can be <br />made at the hearing. Prohibited Evidence as described <br />herein is considered to be, per se NOT relevant, <br />5. Closing Remarks: After al[ parties have finished their <br />presentation of evidence, they will each be given an <br />opportunity to give brief closing remarks, summarizing <br />their position, including any request for action to be <br />taken. The hearing will then be closed, and no further <br />statement or evidence wilt be accepted or considered <br />by the Grievance Officer prior to making a determination <br />regarding responsibility. <br />6. Determination Regarding Responsibility: The <br />Grievance Officer will make a determination regarding <br />responsibility within ten (10) business days following the <br />close of the hearing and provide written notice of that <br />determination to the parties and Lead Title IX <br />Coordinator. In making that determination, the <br />Grievance officer will objectively evaluate the <br />investigative report and all relevant evidence (both <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date: May 20, 20231 Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />64 <br />