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inculpatory and exculpatory), weigh the credibility of <br />the evidence and testimony, and apply the requisite <br />standard of proof. <br />I. Standard of Proof: The standard of proof that will be <br />utilized by the Grievance Officer in making a <br />determination regarding responsibility wilt be <br />preponderance of the evidence. This means that the <br />Grievance Officer wilt determine if it is more likely than <br />not that the Respondent is responsible for the alleged <br />Prohibited Conduct. <br />ii. Determinations Regarding Affirmative Consent: It <br />shall not be a valid excuse to alleged lack of consent <br />that the Respondent believed there was valid consent <br />due to the following circumstances: <br />a. Intoxication or recklessness of the Respondent; <br />b, Failure of Respondent to take reasonable steps to <br />ascertain whether or not there was affirmative consent, <br />M. Consideration of Results of Other Investigations or <br />Processes: The results of other investigations or <br />procedures (e.g„ criminal or administrative) may be <br />considered but will not be deferred to or relied upon in <br />making a determination regarding responsibility. <br />iv. Consideration of Prior Findings of Prohibited <br />Conduct: The Grievance Officer may only consider a <br />Respondent's prior findings of responsibility for <br />Prohibited Conduct or other relevant misconduct in <br />determining appropriate sanctions and not In any <br />finding of responsibility for the current matter. <br />u Determination Notice; The notice of the <br />determination regarding responsibility shall include, at <br />minimum, the following; <br />a. Identification of the allegations constituting <br />Prohibited Conduct; <br />b. A description of the procedural steps taken from <br />receipt of the Formal Complaint through determination; <br />c. Findings of fact supporting the determination; <br />d. Conclusions regarding the application of the <br />Colleges policies and procedures to the facts; <br />e. A statement of and rationale for the result as to each <br />allegation including a determination regarding <br />responsibility, any sanction that will be imposed on <br />Respondent, and whether any remedies provided to <br />Complainant were designed to restore or preserve <br />equal access to the College's program or activity; <br />f. The process and bases to appeal the determination; <br />and <br />g. A statement that the results will become final either <br />on the date the College provides the parties with the <br />written determination of the result of the appeal (If an <br />appeal is filed), or the date on which the appeal would <br />no longer be considered timely (the appeal deadline). <br />E. Appeal <br />1. Eligibility: Any party is eligible to appeal a <br />determination regarding responsibility or Title IX <br />determination per section D above, <br />2. Bases for Appeal: The following are the only bases <br />upon which an appeal will be considered: <br />i. Procedural irregularity: there was an irregularity in <br />the processing of the Format Complaint (e.g.. <br />investigation or hearing) that affected the outcome of <br />the matter; <br />II. New Evidence: there is evidence that was not <br />reasonably available before or at the time the <br />determination regarding responsibility was made that <br />could reasonably affect the outcome of the matter; or <br />iii, Conflict of Interest: The Lead Title IX Coordinator, <br />investigator and/or grievance officer had a conflict of <br />interest or bias for or against survivors/victims or <br />Respondents generally or the individual Complainant or <br />Respondent that affected the outcome of the matter. <br />3• Written Appeal: In order to initiate the appeal <br />process, a party must submit the appeal, in writing, to <br />the Lead Title IX Coordinator no later than fifteen (15) <br />business days following receipt of the Determination <br />Notice, The appeal must be based upon at least one of <br />the allowable bases for appeal. Upon receipt of the <br />Appeal the Lead Title IX Coordinator will send a Notice <br />of Appeal to all parties providing them with the copy of <br />the written appeal and allowing for both parties to <br />submit to the Lead Title IX Coordinator a written <br />statement In support of or challenging the relevant <br />determination and any statements contained in the <br />Appeal. <br />q. Assignment of Appellate Officer: Within three (3) <br />business days following receipt of the parties' <br />statements or expiration of the deadline to submit <br />statements, the Lead Title IX Coordinator will assign an <br />Appellate Officer to consider the appeal and wit[ <br />provide written notice to the parties of the identity of <br />and contact information for the Appellate Officer along <br />with an explanation of the process for challenging the <br />assignment based on conflict of interest or bias. Any <br />challenge must be resolved before the Appeal review <br />process may begin. <br />5. Review Process: For purposes of considering and <br />coming to a conclusion about the appeal, the Lead Title <br />IX Coordinator will provide the Appellate Officer with <br />access to the Appeal, written responses thereto, written <br />determination subject to appeal, Hearing record (If <br />applicable), Investigative Report and any other relevant <br />records received, created or maintained as part of these <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date: May 20, 20231 Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />65 <br />