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procedures. The Appellate Officer has authority to <br />conduct additional interviews or inquiries only as may <br />be necessary to seek clarification on issues specifically <br />raised in the Appeal. <br />6. Appeal Decision: Within ten (10) business days <br />following receipt of the Appeal and relevant materials, <br />the Appellate Officer will make a determination and <br />provide written notice to all parties, with a copy to the <br />Lead Title IX Coordinator, of the result of the appeal and <br />the rationale for that result. <br />VII. Informal Resolution: <br />A. Applicable Process: To the extent the College offers <br />an informal resolution process through other policies or <br />procedures applicable to the parties, the parties may <br />request that the Lead Title IX Coordinator refer the <br />matter to the Informal Resolution process. This may be <br />done at any time prior to a determination of <br />responsibility set forth above. <br />B, Conditions: The following conditions must be met for <br />the Lead Title IX Coordinator to refer the matter for <br />informal resolution: <br />i, The Lead Title IX Coordinator determines that the <br />matter is appropriate for informal resolution; <br />2. The matter does not involve allegations that an <br />employee sexually harassed a student; <br />3. The Lead Title IX Coordinator provides written notice <br />to the parties of <br />i. The allegations; <br />if. The requirements of the informal resolution process, <br />including any circumstances that might preclude the <br />parties from resuming the process described herein; <br />iii. The process to challenge the appointment of an <br />informal resolution facilitator due to a conflict of interest <br />or bias; <br />iv, the consequences of participation in informal <br />resolution, including any records that could be created, <br />maintained or shared; <br />v, the right to withdraw from the informal resolution <br />process at any time prior to reaching agreement. <br />4, The Lead Title IX Coordinator has obtained voluntary <br />written consent to informal resolution from all parties. <br />C. Effect: If the conditions have been met and the <br />parties' consent to participation in the informal <br />resolution process, any proceedings initiated herein <br />shall be suspended unless the Lead Title IX Coordinator <br />determines that doing so would put others at risk. <br />These Grievance Procedures may be resumed at the <br />request of either party at any time during the informal <br />process. <br />Vill. Emergency Removal: Any time after the receipt of <br />a report of Prohibited Conduct, the College may <br />consider an emergency removal of Respondent from <br />Campus, some part of Campus or from and the <br />Colleges education programs or activities so long as <br />the following conditions are met. <br />A. Required Assessment: The College performs an <br />individualized safety and risk assessment that <br />determines whether or not there Is an immediate threat <br />to the physical health or safety of any individual <br />(student, employee or third party) arising from the <br />allegations thatjustifies removal. <br />B. Notice: If the College decides to implement an <br />emergency removal, it will provide written notice to the <br />Respondent of that decision explaining the implications <br />of that removal, the length of time the removal will <br />remain in effect, and the Respondent's right to <br />challenge the decision. <br />C, Effect of Removal: Any Investigation into or <br />determination of responsibility regarding allegations of <br />Prohibited Conduct will follow the procedures <br />contained herein, regardless of the Respondent's <br />removal, though additional precautions may be <br />necessary to address any ongoing threat. <br />IX. Recordkeeping: The Lead Title IX Coordinator shall <br />keep for a period of 7 years from the date they were <br />created, records of each investigation, determination <br />regarding responsibility, hearing transcript or recording, <br />sanctions imposed on a Respondent, remedies <br />provided to a Complainant, appeal and result <br />therefrom, informal resolution, training materials <br />described herein, actions and supportive/protective <br />measure taken or refused in response to reports of <br />Prohibited Conduct. <br />Definitions. For purposes of this policy and these <br />procedures, the following terms shall have the <br />meanings set forth below: <br />1, Actual Knowledge: Notice of Prohibited Conductor <br />allegations of Prohibited Conduct made to the Lead <br />Title IX Coordinator or Officials With Authority. <br />1. Officials With Authority: The following campus <br />leaders are considered "Officials With Authority' who <br />are deemed to have Notice of Prohibited Conduct or <br />allegations of Prohibited Conduct - Campus President, <br />Academic Dean and Director of Student Affairs/Titte IX <br />Coordinator, Any other campus employee is not an <br />Official With Authority and should direct any <br />Complainant to an Official With Authority or take the <br />Complainant's statement and bring it to an Official With <br />Authority. <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date: May 20, 2023 1 Effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />66 <br />