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immediately upon completion of the SAP evaluation, <br />and, in cooperation with campus academic leadership, <br />the student will be required to complete an Academic <br />Success Plan (ASP), Only one Academic Warning <br />grading period is permitted in Term -Based Programs. If <br />a student fails to achieve Satisfactory Academic <br />Progress for the next grading period or for any grading <br />period in which the student is on Academic Warning, <br />the student will be notified of pending dismissal To <br />remain enrolled, the student must submit a SAP Appeal <br />within 72 hours of notification. A student in this situation <br />who does not file an appeal or does not receive <br />approval for an appeal will be dismissed, <br />Academic Probation <br />A student on Academic Warning who does not meet <br />Satisfactory Academic Progress standards at the end of <br />the grading period must file an appeal. If the appeal is <br />approved, the student will be placed on Academic <br />Probation. A student on Academic Probation who fails <br />to achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress or who fails <br />to meet the requirements of the Academic Success <br />Plan at the end of the grading period will be dismissed, <br />All Programs <br />Active Status <br />A student on Academic Warning or Academic Probation <br />wit[ be returned to good standing and Active status at <br />the end of a grading period in which all Satisfactory <br />Academic Progress standards are met. <br />Financial Aid (FA) Warnin <br />FA Warning will be assigned to a student not meeting <br />Satisfactory Academic Progress standards at the end of <br />a payment period. The school will advise the student of <br />his or her status immediately upon completion of the <br />SAP evaluation, A student on FA Warning may continue <br />to receive Federal Student Aid (FSA) funds for one <br />payment period. A student on FA Warning who <br />achieves the minimum CGPA and rate of progress by <br />the next payment period will be removed from FA <br />Warning and placed back in good standing and retain <br />his or her eligibility for FSA funds. A student who fails to <br />meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards after <br />the FA Warning period will lose his or her eligibility for <br />FSA funds unless the student's appeal is approved, The <br />student wilt then be placed on FA Probation, <br />Financial Aid (FA) Probation <br />Students on FA Warning who do not meet Satisfactory <br />Academic Progress at the end of the payment period <br />must submit an appeal or be dismissed. If the appeal Is <br />approved, the student wilt be assigned the status of FA <br />Probation, The school wit[ advise the student of his or <br />her status immediately upon completion of the SAP <br />evaluation. A student on FA Probation who fails to <br />achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress or who falls to <br />meet the requirements of the Academic Success Plan <br />at the end of the payment period will be dismissed. A <br />student on FA Probation who achieves a minimum <br />CGPA and ROP by the next payment period will be <br />removed from FA Probation and placed back in good <br />standing and retain eligibility for FSA funds, A student <br />who fails to make Satisfactory Academic Progress or <br />falls to meet the requirements of the Academic <br />Success Plan after the FA Probation period will lose <br />eligibility for FSA funds. <br />Academic Success Plan <br />At the end of every grading and/or payment period in <br />which a student does not meet Satisfactory Academic <br />Progress standards, campus academic staff will assist <br />the student in creating an Academic Success Plan, The <br />Academic Success Plan will outline, in detail, minimum <br />academic performance standards for the student for <br />the upcoming term, The student must acknowledge <br />and meet the requirements of the Academic Success <br />Plan to remain enrolled in the program. <br />Satisfactory Academic Progress <br />Appeals <br />A student may appeal dismissal from the program due <br />to failure to meet SAP and/or the loss of financial aid <br />based on mitigating circumstances. <br />Written appeals must Include; <br />A clear statement about the mitigating <br />circumstances that caused the student to be <br />unsuccessful and include appropriate supporting <br />documentation of such circumstances; <br />An explanation of how such mitigating <br />circumstances contributed to the student's <br />academic situation; <br />An explanation about what has changed in the <br />student's situation that would allow the student to <br />attain Satisfactory Academic Progress at the next <br />payment period; and <br />An acknowledged and signed Academic Success <br />Plan created with the assistance of campus <br />academic staff. <br />If the student does not submit an appeal within 72 <br />hours of notification, or the appeal is denied, the <br />student will be academically dismissed. <br />2022-2023 Garden Grove Catalog I Publication Date: May 20, 20231 Effective July 1. 2022 through June 30, 2023 <br />75 <br />