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6/5/23, 3:07 PM Active Funded Award <br />*/!TABTHREAD3?pyActivity=%40baseclass.pzProcā€¦2/12 <br />Financial Guide as posted on the OVW website, including any updated version that may be posted during <br />the period of performance. The recipient also agrees that all financial records pertinent to this award, <br />including the general accounting ledger and all supporting documents, are subject to agency review <br />throughout the life of the award, during the close-out process, and for three years after submission of the <br />final Federal Financial Report (SF-425) or as long as the records are retained, whichever is longer, pursuant <br />to 2 C.F.R. 200.334, 200.337. <br />Requirement to report potentially duplicative funding <br />If the recipient currently has other active awards of federal funds, or if the recipient receives any other award <br />of federal funds during the period of performance for this award, the recipient promptly must determine <br />whether funds from any of those other federal awards have been, are being, or are to be used (in whole or <br />in part) for one or more of the identical cost items for which funds are provided under this award. If so, the <br />recipient must promptly notify OVW in writing of the potential duplication, and, if so requested by OVW, must <br />seek a budget-modification or change-of-project-scope Grant Award Modification (GAM) to eliminate any <br />inappropriate duplication of funding. <br />Requirements related to System for Award Management and unique entity identifiers <br />The recipient must comply with applicable requirements regarding the System for Award Management <br />(SAM), currently accessible at This includes applicable requirements regarding <br />registration with SAM, as well as maintaining current information in SAM. <br />The recipient also must comply with applicable restrictions on subawards (subgrants) to first-tier <br />subrecipients (subgrantees), including restrictions on subawards to entities that do not acquire and provide <br />(to the recipient) the unique entity identifier assigned by SAM. <br />The details of the recipient's obligations related to SAM and to unique entity identifiers are posted on the <br />OVW website at (Award Condition: Requirements related to <br />System for Award Management (SAM) and unique entity identifiers), and are incorporated by reference <br />here. <br />Requirement to report actual or imminent breach of personally identifiable information (PII) <br />The recipient (and any subrecipient at any tier) must have written procedures in place to respond in the <br />event of an actual or imminent breach (as defined in OMB M-17-12) if it (or a subrecipient)-- 1) creates, <br />collects, uses, processes, stores, maintains, disseminates, discloses, or disposes of personally identifiable <br />information (PII) (as defined in 2 C.F.R. 200.1) within the scope of an OVW grant-funded program or activity, <br />or 2) uses or operates a Federal information system (as defined in OMB Circular A-130). The recipient's <br />breach procedures must include a requirement to report actual or imminent breach of PII to an OVW <br />Program Manager no later than 24 hours after an occurrence of an actual breach, or the detection of an <br />imminent breach. <br />Requirements pertaining to prohibited conduct related to trafficking in persons (including reporting <br />requirements and OVW authority to terminate award) <br />The recipient, and any subrecipient (subgrantee) at any tier, must comply with all applicable requirements <br />(including requirements to report allegations) pertaining to prohibited conduct related to the trafficking of <br />persons, whether on the part of recipients, subrecipients (subgrantees), or individuals defined (for purposes <br />of this condition) as "employees" of the recipient or of any subrecipient. <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6