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6/5/23, 3:07 PM Active Funded Award <br />*/!TABTHREAD3?pyActivity=%40baseclass.pzProcā€¦3/12 <br />The details of the recipient's obligations related to prohibited conduct related to trafficking in persons are <br />posted on the OVW website at (Award Condition: Prohibited <br />conduct by recipients and subrecipients related to trafficking in persons (including reporting requirements <br />and OVW authority to terminate award)), and are incorporated by reference here. <br />Determinations of suitability to interact with participating minors <br />This condition applies to this award if it is indicated in the application for the award (as approved by DOJ) (or <br />in the application for any subaward at any tier), the DOJ funding announcement (solicitation), or an <br />associated federal statute that a purpose of some or all of the activities to be carried out under the award <br />(whether by the recipient or a subrecipient at any tier) is to benefit a set of individuals under 18 years of age. <br />The recipient, and any subrecipient at any tier, must make determinations of suitability before certain <br />individuals may interact with participating minors. This requirement applies regardless of an individual's <br />employment status. The details of this requirement are posted on the OVW website at <br /> (Award condition: Determination of suitability required, in <br />advance, for certain individuals who may interact with participating minors), and are incorporated by <br />reference here. <br />Compliance with applicable rules regarding approval, planning, and reporting of conferences, meetings, <br />trainings, and other events <br />The recipient, and any subrecipient (subgrantee) at any tier, must comply with all applicable laws, <br />regulations, policies, and official DOJ guidance (including specific cost limits, prior approval and reporting <br />requirements, where applicable) governing the use of federal funds for expenses related to conferences (as <br />that term is defined by DOJ), including the provision of food and/or beverages at such conferences, and <br />costs of attendance at such conferences. <br />Information on the pertinent DOJ definition of conferences and the rules applicable to this award appears on <br />the OVW website at <br />OVW Training Guiding Principles <br />The recipient understands and agrees that any training or training materials developed or delivered with <br />funding provided under this award must adhere to the OVW Training Guiding Principles for Grantees and <br />Subgrantees, available at <br />Effect of failure to address audit issues <br />The recipient understands and agrees that OVW may withhold award funds, or may impose other related <br />requirements, if (as determined by OVW) the recipient does not satisfactorily and promptly address <br />outstanding issues from audits required by the Part 200 Uniform Requirements (or by the terms of this <br />award), or other outstanding issues that arise in connection with audits, investigations, or reviews of DOJ <br />awards. <br />Potential imposition of additional requirements <br />The recipient agrees to comply with any additional requirements that may be imposed by OVW during the <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />11