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Gimme Shelter and a Pound of Advice <br />indicate when or if a policy or procedure has been contemporarily reviewed and <br />determined to be relevant, accurate, and applicable. Some policies and procedures in <br />the manual were written as long ago as the late 1970s with revisions in the mid-2000s. <br />There is no indication that any particular policy or procedure has been reviewed as <br />current and appropriate, or by whom, or when. <br />Operating a shelter without up-to-date, reliable policies, procedures, and guidelines <br />make formal training difficult, if not impossible, and results in inconsistent operating <br />protocols and practices. More importantly, when new staff are hired, training becomes <br />"on the job training" and subject to inconsistency. With the high level of turnover at the <br />shelter, it is all the more important to ensure policies and procedures are up to date. <br />COVID-19 <br />The impacts of COVID-19 on shelter operations should not go unacknowledged. Shelter <br />operations were severely strained as state and county COVID-19 restrictions were put <br />into place. The shelter was effectively closed to the public. Emergency protocols and <br />practices were put into place to ensure the safety of the public and OCAC staff. <br />Leadership had to manage a 24-hour shelter, with many members of the staff required to <br />work on site. Work shifts and resources had to be juggled to ensure staffing was <br />sufficient and personnel were kept safe. Within the limits of the shelter's staffing <br />allocation, management created a Team A/Team B system that isolated one half of the <br />staff from the other half of the staff. Staff came into work only during those days and <br />hours their assigned team was scheduled. Extraordinary sanitation protocols were put <br />into place. <br />Nevertheless, when COVID-19 illnesses did occur, management and staff rose to the <br />occasion, working flexibly and cooperatively to prioritize the care of the animals. Both <br />shelter leadership and staff are to be commended for managing shelter operations <br />through a difficult time. <br />Unfortunately, the volunteer program was suspended during COVID-19 restrictions and <br />engagement with rescues was significantly impacted. The volunteer program was slow to <br />be restarted. Shelter management could and should have anticipated the end of COVID- <br />19 restrictions and worked toward reinstating the shelter's volunteer program much <br />earlier than late 2022. <br />ORANGE COUNTY GRAND JURY 2022 1 2023 PAGE 17 OF 51 <br />