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Item 51 - Approve Proposed Community Workforce Agreement
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
06/06/2023 Regular & HA
Item 51 - Approve Proposed Community Workforce Agreement
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8/10/2023 2:40:41 PM
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8/10/2023 2:40:26 PM
City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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<br />Community Workforce Agreement 15 City of Santa Ana <br />Section 5.3 Wage Premiums Wage premiums, including but not limited to pay based on height <br />of work, hazard pay, scaffold pay and special skills shall not be applicable to work under this <br />Agreement, except to the extent provided for in any applicable prevailing wage determination. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 6 <br />HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME, SHIFTS AND HOLIDAYS <br /> <br />Section 6.1 Hours of Work Eight (8) hours per day between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 5:30 <br />p.m., plus one-half (½) hour unpaid lunch approximately mid-way through the shift, shall <br />constitute the standard work day. Forty (40) hours per week shall constitute a regular week’s work. <br />The work week will start on Sunday and conclude on Saturday. The foregoing provisions of this <br />Article are applicable unless otherwise provided in the applicable prevailing wage determination, <br />or unless changes are permitted by law and such are agreed upon by the Parties. Nothing herein <br />shall be construed as guaranteeing any employee eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per <br />week, or a Monday through Friday standard work schedule. <br /> <br />Section 6.2 Place of Work Employees shall be at their place of work (as designated by the <br />Contractor), at the starting time and shall remain at their place of work, performing their assigned <br />functions, until quitting time. The place of work is defined as the gang or tool box or equipment at <br />the employee’s assigned work location or the place where the foreman gives instructions. The <br />Parties reaffirm their policy of a fair day’s work for a fair day’s wage. Except as provided in <br />Section 6.6, there shall be no pay for time not worked unless the employee is otherwise engaged <br />at the direction of the Contractor. <br /> <br />Section 6.3 Overtime Overtime shall be paid in accordance with the requirements of the <br />applicable prevailing wage determination. There shall be no restriction on the Contractor’s <br />scheduling of overtime or the nondiscriminatory designation of employees who will work <br />overtime. There shall be no pyramiding of overtime (payment of more than one form of overtime <br />compensation for the same hour) under any circumstances. <br /> <br />Section 6.4 Shifts and Alternate Work Schedules <br /> <br />6.4.1 Alternate starting and quitting time and/or shift work may be performed at the <br />option of the Contractor upon three (3) days’ prior notice to the affected Union(s), unless a shorter <br />notice period is provided for in the applicable Master Labor Agreement If two shifts are worked, <br />each shall consist of eight (8) hours of continuous work exclusive of a one-half (½) hour non-paid <br />lunch period, for eight (8) hours pay. The last shift shall start on or before 6:00 p.m. The first shift <br />starting at or after 6:00 a.m. is designated as the first shift, with the second shift following. <br /> <br />6.4.2 Contractors, the Trades Council and the Union recognize the economic impact upon <br />the City and City residents of the Project being undertaken by the City and agree that all Parties to <br />this Agreement desire and intend Project Work to be undertaken in a cost efficient and effective <br />manner to the highest standard of quality and craftsmanship. Recognizing the economic <br />conditions, the Parties agree that, except to the extent permitted by law, employees performing <br />Project Work shall not be entitled to any differentials or additional pay based upon the shift or
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