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<br />Community Workforce Agreement 16 City of Santa Ana <br />work schedule of the employees. Instead, all employees working on Project Work shall be paid at <br />the same base rate regardless of shift or work schedule worked. <br /> <br />6.4.3 Because of operational necessities, the second shift may, at the City’s direction, be <br />scheduled without the preceding shift having been worked. It is recognized that the City’s <br />operations and/or mitigation obligations may require restructuring of normal work schedules. <br />Except in an emergency or when specified in the City’s bid specification, the Contractor shall give <br />affected Union(s) at least three (3) days’ notice of such schedule changes. <br /> <br />Section 6.5 Holidays Recognized holidays for Project Work shall be those set forth and <br />governed by the prevailing wage determination(s) applicable to such Project Work. <br /> <br />Section 6.6 Show-up Pay <br /> <br />6.6.1 Except as otherwise required by State law, Employees reporting for work and for <br />whom no work is provided, except when given prior notification not to report to work, shall receive <br />two (2) hours pay at the regular straight time hourly rate. Employees who are directed to start work <br />shall receive four (4) hours of pay at the regular straight time hourly rate. Employees who work <br />beyond four (4) hours shall be paid for actual hours worked. Whenever reporting pay is provided <br />for employees, they will be required to remain at the Project Site and available for work for such <br />time as they receive pay, unless released earlier by the principal supervisor of the Contractor(s) or <br />his/her designated representative. Each employee shall furnish his/her Contractor with his/her <br />current address and telephone number, and shall promptly report any changes to the Contractor. <br /> <br />6.6.2 An employee called out to work outside of his/her shift shall receive a minimum of <br />two (2) hours pay at the appropriate rate. This does not apply to time worked as an extension of <br />(before or after) the employee’s normal shift. <br /> <br />6.6.3 When an employee leaves the job or work location of his/her own volition, or is <br />discharged for cause or is not working, the employee shall only be paid for actual time worked. <br /> <br />Section 6.7 Meal Periods The Contractor will schedule a meal period of no more than one-half <br />hour duration at the work location at approximately mid-point of the schedule shift; provided, <br />however, that the Contractor may, for efficiency of the operation, establish a schedule which <br />coordinates the meal periods of two or more crafts. An employee may be required to work through <br />his meal period because of an emergency or a threat to life or property, or for such other reasons <br />as are in the applicable Master Labor Agreement, and if he is so required, he shall be compensated <br />in the manner established in the applicable Master Labor Agreement. <br /> <br />Section 6.8 Make-up Days To the extent permitted by the applicable general wage <br />determination, when an employee has been prevented from working for reasons beyond the control <br />of the employer, including, but not limited to inclement weather or other natural causes, during the <br />regularly scheduled work week, a make-up day may be worked on a non-regularly scheduled work <br />day for which an employee shall receive eight (8) hours pay at the straight time rate of pay or any <br />premium rate required for such hours under the state prevailing wage law. <br />