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<br />PAGE 5 <br />2. PROFESSIONAL SERV ICES : <br />2.1 GENERAL <br />The a gency will provide a m aster c harge t able that Axon will load. Axon <br />will provide the appropriate structure to the a gency. <br /> <br />2 .2 INT ERFACE S <br />The a gency tasks related to interface setup start immediately after <br />project kick -off . It is critical for the a gency interface subject -matter <br />expert s (SME) and Axon project interface resources to work closely <br />together to scope, set -up, and test all interfaces. <br /> The a gency must provide any relevant technical documentation <br />per interface to Axon. <br /> The a gency will facilitate any necessary meetings with all third - <br />party system vendors where integration is required. <br /> Axon will provide any relevant Axon API documentation to the <br />a gency. <br /> Axon will conduct i ntegration a cceptance t esting demonstrating <br />the functionality of each integration to the a gency . <br /> The a gency must notify Axon of any changes to the a gency ’s <br />side of the integration that are beyond Axon’s c ontrol and may <br />impact the integration. <br /> <br />AGENCY INTERFACES <br />2.2.1 Records | Crossroad s | Crash : Axon will import crash <br />reports from Crossroads into Axon Records . <br />2.2.2 Records | Crossroads | Citation: Axon will import citation s <br />from Crossroads into Axon Records . <br />2.2.3 Records | DataTicket | Citation: Axon will import parking <br />citation s from DataTicket into Axon Records . <br />2.2.4 Records | Lexis Nexis DORS | Online Reporting: Axon will <br />deploy an interfac e with LexisNexis’ DORS solution where <br />Axon will import citizen -authored reports from DORS into <br />an incident report in Axon Records . These reports will be <br />approved in DORS , and then imported into Axon Records. <br />The report will be assigned to the officer who approved the <br />report in DORS . <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: A69C2874-A23C-4EBA-AE3F-17C057920A28