DocuSign Envelope ID: 4BDC617B-C22E-4B4A-8057-C42295F83EC5
<br />Table 7: Marketing Plan
<br />10AIiININIE"!
<br />Line
<br />Item
<br />Question
<br />Response*
<br />36
<br />Describe your marketing strategy for
<br />White Cap delivers robust in-house direct marketing capabilities. We reach customers
<br />promoting this contract opportunity.
<br />through various channels such as print, email, social media, content development, video
<br />Upload representative samples of your
<br />production, and extensive SEO efforts. In addition, our Events Team brings together
<br />marketing materials (if applicable) in
<br />suppliers and customers, along with our own product experts to deliver on -site training
<br />the document upload section of your
<br />customized to our customers' needs. In partnership with Sourcewell, we will execute
<br />response.
<br />regular omnichannel campaigns segmented to specific customer groups or project phase
<br />opportunities such as: municipalities, project start-up/cleanup, storm water solutions,
<br />seasonal & adverse conditions periods, large structure/campus resources, road & bridge
<br />work, and more. Our objective is to inform customers of our partnership with Sourcewell
<br />and provide valuable resources for product assortment, application, regulatory solutions,
<br />introductions to The Most Knowledgeable Pros in Construction SuppliesTm and more.
<br />We enable our sales team with many forms of collateral resources to engage end users
<br />with relevant information about our products and services.
<br />White Cap is also in attendance, and always in the Sourcewell section, of major events
<br />such as NIGP's annual conference.
<br />Note: Please see attached various marketing representative samples in .pdf format
<br />included under marketing docs. Many of these documents go out to all Sourcewell
<br />members on a monthly basis.
<br />Also, please visit our dedicated Sourcewell page on our website at:
<br />hftps://
<br />37
<br />Describe your use of technology and
<br />As we alluded to above, White Cap has made extensive investments in marketing
<br />digital data (e.g., social media,
<br />technology to extend our reach and ensure flawless execution. We are viewed as a
<br />metadata usage) to enhance
<br />marketing leader in construction supplies. We use extensive customer and product data
<br />marketing effectiveness.
<br />resources to segment and target marketing messages through various channels. Tools
<br />such as Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Episerver, Agility, Brightedge, Workfront, MOZ Local,
<br />and others enable our team to deliver relevant content to a targeted audience. Our social
<br />media channels focus on Facebook, Linkedln, Instagram, and YouTube and we are
<br />everywhere in web search. We deliver curated content across multiple advertising types
<br />such as dynamic ads, mobile -friendly canvas ads, personalized email, trigger campaigns,
<br />and such. Sourcewell members can expect appropriate messaging that makes sense for
<br />their business needs and clear explanation of our capabilities within the Sourcewell
<br />program.
<br />38
<br />In your view, what is Sourcewell's role
<br />We envision Sourcewell to continue providing training to our sales associates in the art of
<br />in promoting contracts arising out of
<br />selling to public institutions, utilizing its program managers and other staff. Sourcewell
<br />this RFP? How will you integrate a
<br />also provides a supplier manager who acts as a liaison between supplier and
<br />Sourcewell-awarded contract into your
<br />participating public agencies. The supplier manager is available as well for senior
<br />sales process?
<br />leadership meetings, monthly calls and quarterly reviews. Ad hoc online/webinar training
<br />from Sourcewell will always be available as well.
<br />Also, White Cap fully takes advantage of the awesome training provided throughout the
<br />nation by Sourcewell in the Sourcewell Universities and Sales Accelerators.
<br />Last but not least, Sourcewell H2O is another great event that helps me as a leader to
<br />promote our Sourcewell contract to our company nationally. I am a regular attendee of this
<br />event and plan to be every year going forward.
<br />For our part, from the top down, White Cap is committed to the relationship and "leads"
<br />with our Sourcewell contract to drive sales business through all eligible agencies. Our
<br />entire salesforce is trained on the program and has the proper marketing and sales tools
<br />to promote the Sourcewell program in a professional and effective manner. Marketing is
<br />most effective when we combine robust customer and product data and the opportunity to
<br />align with Sourcewell to reach the targeted audience will streamline efforts and result in a
<br />positive response from members.
<br />39
<br />Are your products or services
<br />Yes, White Cap ( has a very robust online site. Customers can
<br />available through an e-procurement
<br />leverage a logged -in account experience to order directly off of the website and receive
<br />ordering process? If so, describe your
<br />their account specific pricing, estimated delivery dates, see their invoices and statements,
<br />e-procurement system and how
<br />as well as pay on their account online.
<br />governmental and educational
<br />As a plus, we have a dedicated government sales team for our Sourcewell customers to
<br />customers have used it.
<br />provide them with extra special service. This team will also handle the orders that come
<br />in through the BUY SOURCEWELL ecommerce plafform that will soon be launching. White
<br />Cap is already set up with EqualLevel with a top tier profile having a Punchout (GO)
<br />store. We are ready and eager to support this program.
<br />Table 8: Value -Added Attributes
<br />Bid Number: RFP 091422 Vendor Name: White Cap, LP
<br />