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DocuSign Envelope ID: 4BDC617B-C22E-4B4A-8057-C42295F83EC5 <br />Line <br />Item <br />Question <br />Response* EXHIBIT 4 <br />40 <br />Describe any product, equipment, <br />White Cap offers online and in person training on or off site for the majority of the products <br />maintenance, or operator training <br />that we distribute. We specialize in training for equipment purchased from us and have <br />programs that you offer to <br />several product training specialists throughout the country. We also specialize in safety <br />Sourcewell participating entities. <br />related training with our certified safety specialists in every region. <br />Include details, such as whether <br />All training is performed by White Cap and/or our manufacturer representatives and is <br />training is standard or optional, <br />optional with no cost to our customers. A true value add. <br />who provides training, and any <br />costs that apply. <br />41 <br />Describe any technological <br />White Cap is usually first to the market with new and innovative technical advances related <br />advances that your proposed <br />to the products that we stock. Our manufacturers typically give us the first opportunity since <br />products or services offer. <br />we are such a large distributor and have the national presence to market their products. In <br />the construction and industrial world, there are always new advances that we introduce to <br />save our customers time and money and overall improve their efficiencies. <br />42 <br />Describe any "green" initiatives <br />that relate to your company or to <br />your products or services, and <br />include a list of the certifying <br />agency for each. <br />White Cap has several "green" initiatives relating to the company and products. We strictly <br />self -certify and/or partner with local certification agencies on the below programs: <br />ideallygreen® <br />Launched in 2007, our ideallygreen® initiative was designed to help customers easily <br />access environmentally preferable product offerings. We offer a wide selection of products in <br />five conservation categories: energy efficiency, water conservation, indoor environmental <br />quality, waste reduction, and hazardous material disposal. <br />LEED Certification <br />White Cap has obtained a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Silver <br />Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) for our new headquarters office <br />in Georgia. We have pursued the Building Design and Construction: Core and Shell rating, <br />which is designed for projects where the developer controls the site selection as well as <br />design and construction of the entire mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection <br />system —called the core and shell —but not the design and construction of the tenant fit -out. <br />Completed in the spring of 2018, our new headquarters has a building energy management <br />system to monitor and control the building's energy needs, thus increasing efficiency and <br />reducing energy waste. The building finishes such as millwork, carpeting, and paints were <br />sourced from recycled materials that contain low levels of volatile organic compounds. We <br />also installed six electric charging stations in the building's parking deck to encourage <br />associates to use electric cars. <br />Additionally, the new headquarters office is being designed to emphasize employee health <br />and wellness. We are in the process of pursuing Fitwel Certification, which focuses on <br />promoting facility innovations for wellness. For example, the building features a fitness center <br />and a restaurant with healthy meal options. For additional information on protecting the <br />health and safety of our associates, we have developed a Workplace Health and Safety <br />page. <br />Recycling and Waste Management <br />White Cap works to reduce waste by reusing and recycling a variety of materials, including <br />batteries, cardboard, paper, scrap metal, and beverage containers. In addition to recycling <br />programs, we have a comprehensive waste program at our operating facilities to manage <br />both hazardous and non -hazardous chemical waste, which typically stems from damaged <br />containers and expired products. <br />As part of our commitment to being responsible stewards of the environment, we <br />continuously work to improve the waste diversion rate of our distribution centers. We strive <br />toward a zero -waste to landfill policy to manage regulated waste and product -related waste <br />that we dispose of through our hazardous waste program. We take a conservative, risk - <br />based approach to waste disposal through our hazardous waste program and associated <br />vendors, even in situations and jurisdictions where it is not required by regulation. We <br />manage our program through a variety of processes including incineration, fuel blending, <br />energy recovery, recycling, and neutralization. In 2017, we managed under 600,000 pounds <br />of waste. That is an improvement of over 8% from 2015. <br />Water Conservation <br />Since White Cap does not manufacture products, our water consumption is relatively small. <br />However, we do look for opportunities to reduce our water usage where we can. For <br />example, we have installed low -flow fixtures at facilities in California. We are also looking <br />into the possibility of making low -flow water fixtures for sinks and water fountains standard <br />in our facilities. <br />Energy Reduction <br />We are working to effectively manage energy use at several of our locations by retrofitting <br />our distribution centers with more efficient systems. For example, our heating, ventilation, <br />and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are tied into a digitally -controlled building management <br />system to help maximize efficiency through scheduling and optimal temperature sensing via <br />digital thermostats. Additionally, all of our corporate office sites, including call centers, have <br />a mix of fluorescent and light -emitting diode (LED) lighting, as well as programmable <br />Bid Number: RFP 091422 Vendor Name: White Cap, LP <br />