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DocuSign Envelope ID: 4BDC617B-C22E-4B4A-8057-C42295F83EC5 <br />45 <br />What unique attributes does your <br />White Cap is in a class of its own as the only national construction suppPrNP 19d hittket <br />company, your products, or your <br />today offering professional type products and services. This is very important as we can <br />services offer to Sourcewell <br />attest that numerous existing Sourcewell members are using our company due to our unique <br />participating entities? What makes <br />products and offerings under the Sourcewell contract program. <br />your proposed solutions unique in <br />Our large national footprint, dedicated and owned fleet of trucks, extensive inventory, no <br />your industry as it applies to <br />charge training and expertise and many other offerings, set us apart from our competition <br />Sourcewell participating entities? <br />and any others vendors on any of the national cooperative purchasing programs today. We <br />eagerly desire to continue to partner with Sourcewell as our first choice and only contract <br />vehicle into the state and local government market. <br />Since our initial Sourcewell award 4 years ago, White Cap has become it's own stand- <br />alone company and has doubled in size through acquisitions of other world class <br />companies of CSG and Ram Tool. We were always one of a kind before but now even <br />Bid Number: RFP 091422 Vendor Name: White Cap, LP <br />