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properly to the wall and the lights are operational. Re-securing fixtures to pool walls and <br />replacing lamps shall be con,pleted by the Contractor at the Contractor's sole cost. Replacement <br />of fixtures will be considered by the City as extra work. <br />7. Pool Start Up <br />Contractor shall be required to test domestic water supply and make appropriate chemical <br />adjustments (i.e. sequestering agents) in order to ensure proper water chemistry balance. <br />8. Trained Personal <br />Contractor shall provide personnel fr-rlly trained in all phases of swimming pool maintenance, <br />including water chemical treatment, controller programming (BECSys5 water chemistry <br />controller) and chemical pump calibration. All Supervisors shall be Certified Pool Operators <br />and/or Aquatics Facilities Operators. Proof of certifieation shall be provided to City upon <br />request. <br />9. Reports <br />Daily and monthly reports shall be maintained at each pool site. The daily repoft shall include <br />chemical analysis of the pool (controller and manual), filter readings, and flow readings. The <br />monthly report shall inclr.rde a complete chemical analysis of the pool (free chlorine, combined <br />chlorine and total chlorine), pump room equipment inspection, pool deck equipment inspection, <br />and a list of allminor maintenance repairs. Allreports shall be in a form acceptable to the Parks <br />Superintendent. <br />10. Revised Schedule <br />After start of the Work, the Contractor shall submit revised pool maintenance schedules not later <br />than the lst day of each month thereafter until completion of the Contract. The revised schedules <br />should show any significant changes in activities since submission of the previous schedule with <br />revised projections of progress and upcoming seasonal periodic work. <br />1 1. Contractor Staff/ Employees & Workers <br />'The Contractor shall provide sufficient personnelto perform all Work in accordance with this <br />RFP. At no time, will the Contractor allow its crew to be diminished in size or labor hours so as <br />to not effectively complete the assigned maintenance tasks.