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Item 16 - Pool Maintenance Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
02/21/2023 Regular
Item 16 - Pool Maintenance Services
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Last modified
8/11/2023 9:41:31 AM
Creation date
8/11/2023 9:41:16 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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. A qualified foreman in the employ of the Contractor shall supervise allof the Contractor's <br />maintenance personnel. At least one (l) member of each crew r,vorking at each site shall be able <br />to communicate both orally and in writing and a crew shall consist of no less than two (2) <br />employees. <br />. Contractor shall require employees to wear a uniform identifying them as an employee of the <br />Contractor while working in the City. This shall include proper work shoes and uniform clothing <br />with a name badge and photo ID. <br />' Ifany person ernployed by the Contractor or any subcontractor shall fail or refuse to carry out <br />the directions of the Parks Superintendent, or is in the opinion of the Parks Superintendent, <br />intemperate, or disorderly; or uses threatening or abusive language to any person on the work <br />site; or is otherwise unsatisfactory, he/she shall be discharged from the project immediately, and <br />shall not again be employed on the work except with the written consent of the Parks <br />Superintendent. <br />'Employees shall be properly trained for the handling and use of chemicals and BECSys5 water <br />chemistry controller. <br />12. Work Schedule <br />'The Contractor shall accomplish all maintenance required under this RFP before 3:00 p.m. on a <br />daily basis. During the swim season (May I - September 15) maintenance shall be required five <br />days a week (Monday through Friday) for all pools. During the off season (September 16 - April <br />30) maintenance shall be required three days a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) for all <br />pools. Schedules shall be provided to the City accompanied by all chemical SDS sheets. <br />' Exceptions may be rnade to normal work hours where incidence of use may be too great during <br />the specified hours to allow for proper maintenance. The City may grant, on an individual basis, <br />permission to perform maintenance at other hours. No maintenance functions that generate <br />excessive noise shall be commenced before 7:00 a.m. <br />'The City shall have the authority to suspend the work, wholly or in part, for such a period as <br />may be deemed necessary due to renovation or construction, or to such other conditions as are <br />considered unfavorable for the suitable prosecution of the Work. <br />' Within 48 hours after the Notice to Proceed has been given, and prior to the start of any Work, <br />the Contractor shall submit to the Parks Superintendent for approval three (3) copies of its <br />proposed monthly schedule with sr"rb-schedules of periodic activities. If the Parks Superintendent <br />notifies the Contractor that the schedule is unacceptable, the Contractor shall submit a revised <br />schedule within five (5) working days thereafter. <br />' The schedules shall be in a form acceptable to the Parks Sr.rperintendent. <br />' The schedule shall also contain a list of all applicable tasks inch-rding the time and location of <br />the task, and the labor force used to complete the task.
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