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'Unless otherwise specified, the contract time shall commence upon the date of issuance of thecity's written Notice to Proceed' rtre co,trarto. rrrurl .o*rlence wor.k within l5 days thereafteror on the date stipulated in the Notice to proceed. <br />'The Notice to Proceed will not be issr-red until the contract is properly executecl, and allrequired bonds and insurance certificates have been submitted and approved. <br />24. Suspension of Work <br />Climatic Conditions: <br />' The Parks superintendent may suspend tlie work whenever weather conditions or conditionsresulting from inclement weather a.e r-rnfavorrbl" fb;;il!.ore.rtion of the w".k. The delay <br />::ffij*l ffih <br />suspension may entitle the contractor to an* extension of tirne but not to any other <br />'No extension of time will be granted for suspension of work unless the suspension affects thetimely completion of all workirncler ih. cortiurt or the timely completion of a portion of thework for which a time .of completion is specified. Determination that the suspension forinclement weather conditions o. <br />"onaition, ..srtti.,g f--'in"t.r.rt weather'a-ffects timelycompletion and entitles the contractor to an extension of time shall be n,ua. urJ ugreed to inwriting by the Parks Superintendent and the contru.lo. on^.u.r, day that work is suspended. <br />Safety Hazard <br />#Trtsif,superintendent <br />may suspend operations if he/she determines thar an imminent safety <br />25. Changes Initiated by The City <br />' In the event City desires to add additional sites, these additions shall be made at the rates listedin Contractor's Compensation Schedule. <br />26. Change Orders <br />' Prior to issuing an approved Change Order, the Parks Superintendent may request that thecontractor submit a_proposal covering the changes. The request shall inciude a description of theproposed changes._Within three (3) days after receiving the request, the Contractor shall submitits proposal to the Parks Superintenclent, including any"clairn for extension of time, and any and