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all compensation that may be necessary as a result of perforrning the changes. If the Parks <br />Superintendent decides not to issue a Change Order after requesting a proposal frorn the <br />Contractor, the Contractor shallbe notified of such decision in writing. <br />27. City Inspection <br />The Parks Superintendent shall regularly inspect the pools and all other City property subject to <br />this Ageement. If said inspection results in discovery of work that is not performed in the <br />manner, and to the professional degree set forth in the Speciflcations, The Contractor agrees that <br />the City shall; 1) withhold from Contractor' s next monthly payment, the City' s actual or <br />estimated cost of performing the work; or, 2) hire a contractor or City staff to perform the work <br />not performed and then withhold from the Contractor' s next monthly payment the City' s actual <br />cost for performing the work to bring the property into conformance with the specifications. <br />Additionally, City shall impose liquidated damages of up to $ 300.00 per inspection, per park, <br />per item specified herein not performed, per day not meeting the specifications during any such <br />inspection. <br />Furthermore, it is not the Parks Superintendent responsibility to inform the Contractor when <br />work specified in the specifications was not performed or that deficiencies exist. It is the Parks <br />Superintendent responsibility to inspect the properties to verify that work was performed to the <br />specified level of quality and time frame followed by reporting that the work was performed <br />satisfactorily or not. It is the Contractor' s responsibility to provide adequate supervision and <br />staffing to visit each site daily and prepare schedules for the appropriate level of staff, equipment <br />and materials to perform all aspects specified in this agreement. Should the Parks Superintendent <br />create PowerPoint punch lists, essentially performing the Contractor' s Supervisor' s <br />responsibilities/duties of determine what work needs to be performed in accordance with the <br />agreement specifications, the City shall deduct $300 per Power Point punch list from the <br />Contractor' s monthly invoice.