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Item 41 - Amendment Application No. 2022-01 and Appeal Nos. 2022-01 and 2022-02
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/20/2022 Special & Regular
Item 41 - Amendment Application No. 2022-01 and Appeal Nos. 2022-01 and 2022-02
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City of Santa Ana <br />5 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS <br />Community Plan Exemption Checklist <br />Gary Avenue Business Park Project <br />This section provides evidence to substantiate the conclusions in the environmental checklist. The section <br />briefly summarizes the conclusions of the GPU EIR, and then discuss whether or not the proposed Project <br />is consistent with the findings contained in the GPU EIR, or if further analysis is required pursuant to <br />CEQA. Mitigation measures referenced herein are from the GPU EIR. <br />Project <br />Significant <br />Potentially <br />Adverse No New <br />Peculiar <br />Impact not <br />Significant <br />Impact Impact <br />Impact that is <br />Analyzed as <br />Off site or <br />More Severe <br />not <br />Significant in <br />Cumulative <br />based on <br />Substantially <br />the Prior EIR <br />Impact not <br />Substantial <br />Mitigated by <br />Discussed <br />New <br />Uniformly <br />in the prior <br />Information <br />Applied <br />EIR <br />Policies <br />5.1 AESTHETICS. Except as provided in Public <br />Resources Code Section 21099 would the project: <br />a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic <br />vista? <br />b) Substantially damage scenic resources, <br />including, but not limited to, trees, rock <br />outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state <br />scenic highway <br />c) In non -urbanized areas, substantially degrade <br />the existing visual character or quality of public <br />views of the site and its surroundings? (public <br />views are those that are experienced from <br />publicly accessible vantage point). If the project is <br />in an urbanized area, would the project conflict <br />with applicable zoning and other regulations <br />governing scenic quality? <br />d) Create a new source of substantial light or <br />glare which would adversely affect day or <br />nighttime views in the area? <br />Summary of Impacts Identified in the GPU EIR <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ <br />❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ <br />The Final Recirculated GPU EIR addressed aesthetics impacts on pages 5.1-20 through 5.1 -32. The GPU EIR <br />describes that buildout under the GPU would be at a greater intensity/density in all five focus areas <br />compared to existing conditions. While maximum height would generally be similar to existing buildings, the <br />overall increase in allowed intensity and height across the focus areas would lead to a visually denser urban <br />setting and alter Santa Ana's existing skyline. However, the EIR determined that buildout under the GPU <br />would not have a substantial adverse effect on scenic vistas (such as the Santa Ana River and Santiago <br />Creek) since these existing open space parcels would remain unchanged. Additionally, no state scenic <br />highways, eligible or officially designated, traverse the city nor are located near the city. Therefore, the <br />GPU would not damage scenic resources, including rock outcroppings, trees, and historic buildings within <br />state scenic highways. The EIR also determined that the GPU would create new sources of fight or glare, but <br />adverse impacts would be minimized with compliance to building codes. <br />28 <br />
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