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Community Plan Exemption Checklist <br />City of Santa Ana Gary Avenue Business Park Project <br />Impacts Associated with the Proposed Project <br />a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? <br />No New Impact. <br />The GPU EIR describes that the 55 Freeway/Dyer Street focus area (that the Project site is located in) is not <br />along a scenic corridor, but it is located in close proximity to a major City entry. The GPU EIR describes that <br />the FLEX land use designation in the area allows for an urban environment with a mix of uses instead of an <br />area that is almost exclusively focused on professional office and industrial. The GPU EIR further identifies <br />that the Scenic Corridors Element identifies selected views of the City from SR-55 and that development <br />consistent with the GPU, would enhance views of the City from SR-55. As the proposed Project would <br />redevelop that site with a new modern one-story building, consistent with the GPU land use designation, it <br />would not result in an impact related to a scenic vista. As detailed in Figure 5, Conceptual Site Plan, the <br />proposed building would be setback from the roadway; and therefore, would not encroach into existing <br />views along the Garry Avenue or SR-55 roadway corridors. Thus, the Project would result in no new impact <br />related to effects on a scenic vista. <br />b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings <br />within a state scenic highway? <br />No New Impact. The California State Scenic Highway System Map shows that there are no officially <br />designated state scenic highways in the vicinity of the proposed Project. The only officially designated scenic <br />highway within Orange County is a portion of SR-91 that is located between SR-55 to east of the Anaheim <br />city limit, which is not in the vicinity of the Project site. Likewise, there are no County -designated scenic <br />highways that run through the City of Santa Ana. Further, the proposed Project site is flat and surrounded <br />by an urban built environment, and there are no other scenic resources, including trees, rock outcroppings, or <br />historic buildings within the viewshed of the Project. Therefore, no new impacts related to scenic resources <br />within a state scenic highway would occur. <br />c) In non -urbanized areas, substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of public <br />views of the site and its surroundings? (Public views are those that are experienced from publicly <br />accessible vantage point). If the project is in an urbanized area, would the project conflict with <br />applicable zoning and other regulations governing scenic quality? <br />No New Impact. The Project is in an urbanized area. The Project proposes to demolish the existing three <br />office buildings and to construct a new approximately 91,500 square foot light industrial building that would <br />accommodate two tenants. The proposed building would be developed in compliance with the FLEX-3 land <br />use designation and M-1 (Light Industrial) Interim Development Standard as shown in Table AES-1 below. <br />Table AES-1: Project Consistency with GPU and Municipal Code Standards <br />Development Feature Development Standard Project Consistency <br />GPU Standards for FLEX-3 <br />FAR <br />3.0 <br />The Project would have a FAR of 0.43 <br />Building Height <br />Maximum of 10 stories <br />The proposed building would be a <br />maximum height of 43 feet 6 inches <br />which is less than the 10-story <br />maximum. <br />Municipal Code Standards for the M-1 Interim Development Standard <br />Building Height <br />May exceed the standard 35-foot <br />The proposed buildings would be a <br />limit set forth in the M-1 zoning <br />maximum height of 43 ft and 6 inches. <br />29 <br />