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Community Plan Exemption Checklist <br />City of Santa Ana Gary Avenue Business Park Project <br />lighting, and lighting from building interiors that pass -through windows. The exterior lighting on the Project <br />site includes exterior lighting throughout the parking areas and lighting at buildings entrances. <br />The proposed Project would include the provision of nighttime lighting for security purposes around all of the <br />building and parking areas. Implementation of the proposed Project would result in a similar intensity <br />development on the site than currently exists, which would contribute similar sources of light to the overall <br />ambient nighttime lighting conditions. Also, all outdoor lighting would be hooded, appropriately angled <br />away from adjacent land uses, and would comply with the Santa Ana Municipal Code Section 41-611.1 <br />and Section 41 -1 304 that provides specifications for shielding lighting away from adjacent uses and intensity <br />of security lighting. Because the Project area is within an urban area with various sources of existing nighttime <br />lighting, and the Project would be required to comply with the City's lighting regulations that would be <br />verified by the City's Planning and Building Agency during the permitting process, the lighting increase in <br />light that would be generated by the Project would not adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area. <br />Overall, no new lighting impacts would occur from the Project. <br />Reflective light (glare) can be caused by sunlight or artificial light reflecting from finished surfaces such as <br />window glass or other reflective materials. Generally, darker, or mirrored glass would have a higher visible <br />light reflectance than clear glass. Buildings constructed of highly reflective materials from which the sun <br />reflects at a low angle can cause adverse glare. The proposed Project would not use highly reflective <br />surfaces, and the proposed building would not be glass sided. Although the proposed building would contain <br />windows, the windows would be separated by stucco and architectural treatments, which would limit the <br />potential of glare. In addition, as described previously, onsite lighting would be angled down and shielded, <br />which would avoid the potential on onsite lighting to generate glare. Therefore, the Project would not <br />generate substantial sources of glare, and no new impacts would occur. <br />Conclusion <br />With regards to the issue area of aesthetics, the following findings can be made: <br />1. No peculiar impacts to the Project or its site have been identified. <br />2. There are no potentially significant off -site and/or cumulative impacts which were not discussed by <br />the GPU EIR. <br />3. No substantial new information has been identified which results in an impact which is more severe <br />than anticipated by the GPU EIR. <br />Uniformly Applied Development Policies or Standards (DP/S) <br />None. <br />GPU EIR Mitigation Measures <br />None are applicable to the Project. <br />31 <br />