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City of Santa Ana <br />Community Plan Exemption Checklist <br />Gary Avenue Business Park Project <br />Development Feature Development Standard Project Consistency <br />district as the project site is <br />located in a height -exempt area. <br />Lot Size <br />Minimum of 12,000 SF <br />The Project site is 5.2 acres <br />Street Frontage <br />Minimum of 100 ft <br />Landscaping <br />A yard is required along any lot <br />The Project would include a 26-foot <br />line which abuts a public street <br />landscaped setback from Gary <br />which in shall be of an area not <br />Avenue. <br />less than the length of such lot line <br />in feet multiplied by: <br />(i) <br />Twenty (20) feet, if the street is <br />designated in the general plan of <br />the city as an arterial street; or <br />(ii) <br />Ten (10) feet, if the street is not so <br />designated as an arterial street. <br />The yard required by paragraph <br />(a) shall include a strip <br />immediately adjacent to the street <br />and shall be of a width not less <br />than: <br />(i) <br />Ten (10) feet, if the street is <br />designated in the general plan of <br />the city as an arterial street; or <br />(ii) <br />Five (5) feet, if the street is not so <br />designated as an arterial street. <br />Wall Height <br />Walls and fences shall not exceed <br />A 10-foot-high decorative screen wall <br />10 ft in height and shall not <br />is proposed along the southwest <br />exceed 4 ft in height where the <br />property line. A 9-foot-high tube steel <br />wall or fence extends into the <br />screen fence is proposed along the <br />required front yard or <br />southeast property line, and a 10- <br />landscaped area <br />foot -high landscape buffer is <br />proposed along the northwest <br />property line adjacent to SR-55. <br />Visual character and quality of the proposed industrial building would be similar to the existing building, <br />but with aesthetic improvements, such as new architectural treatments, new landscaping, lighting, etc. <br />Therefore, the Project would be consistent with regulations governing scenic quality of the Project site. As <br />described previously, the GPU EIR determined that development consistent with the GPU, would enhance <br />views of the City from SR-55. As the proposed Project would redevelop that site that is adjacent to SR-55 <br />with a new modern one-story building, consistent with the GPU land use designation, it would not result in an <br />impact related to visual character or quality. Furthermore, the Project would not conflict with an applicable <br />zoning or other regulation governing scenic quality. Therefore, and no new impacts would occur. <br />d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime <br />views in the area? <br />No New Impact. The Project site is located within a developed urban area, adjacent to highly used <br />roadways. Existing sources of light in the vicinity of the Project site includes: vehicle lights from SR-55, <br />streetlights along Garry Avenue, parking lot lighting, building illumination, security lighting, landscape <br />30 <br />