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Community Plan Exemption Checklist <br />City of Santa Ana Gary Avenue Business Park Project <br />Project <br />Significant <br />Potentially <br />Adverse No <br />Peculiar <br />Impact not <br />Significant <br />Impact New <br />Impact that is <br />Analyzed as <br />Off site or <br />More Severe Impact <br />not <br />Significant in <br />Cumulative <br />based on <br />Substantially <br />the Prior EIR <br />Impact not <br />Substantial <br />Mitigated by <br />Discussed <br />New <br />Uniformly <br />in the prior <br />Information <br />Applied <br />EIR <br />Policies <br />5.3 AIR QUALITY. Where available, <br />the significance criteria established by the <br />applicable air quality management district or <br />air pollution control district may be relied upon <br />to make the following determinations. Would <br />the project: <br />a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of <br />the applicable air quality plan? <br />b) Result in a cumulatively considerable net <br />increase of any criteria pollutant for which the <br />project region is non -attainment under an <br />applicable federal or state ambient air <br />quality standard? <br />c) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial <br />pollutant concentrations? <br />d) Result in other emissions (such as those <br />leading to odors) affecting a substantial <br />number of people? <br />Summary of Impacts Identified in the GPU EIR <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />❑ <br />The Final Recirculated GPU EIR addressed air quality impacts on pages 5.2-45 through 5.2-72. The GPU <br />EIR determined that the GPU is inconsistent with the South Coast Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) <br />because buildout under the GPU would exceed the population estimates assumed for the AQMP and would <br />cumulatively contribute to the nonattainment designations of the South Coast Air Basin (SoCAB). Air pollutant <br />emissions associated with buildout of the GPU would cumulatively contribute to the nonattainment <br />designations in the SoCAB. The EIR included Mitigation Measure AQ-2; however, due to the magnitude and <br />scale of the land uses that would be developed, no mitigation measures are available that would reduce <br />operation and construction impacts below South Coast AQMD thresholds. Therefore, the GPU determined <br />that impacts related to the AQMP, and air quality emissions would remain significant and unavoidable. <br />The GPU EIR also determined that construction activities associated with buildout of the GPU could generate <br />short-term emissions that exceed the South Coast AQMD'S significance thresholds during this time and <br />cumulatively contribute to the nonattainment designations of the SoCAB. Implementation of Mitigation <br />Measure AQ-1 would reduce criteria air pollutant emissions from construction -related activities to the extent <br />feasible. However, the EIR determined that construction time frames and equipment for site -specific <br />development projects have a potential for multiple development projects to be constructed at one time, <br />resulting in significant construction -related emissions. Thus, impacts were determined to be significant and <br />unavoidable. <br />35 <br />