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Item 41 - Amendment Application No. 2022-01 and Appeal Nos. 2022-01 and 2022-02
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/20/2022 Special & Regular
Item 41 - Amendment Application No. 2022-01 and Appeal Nos. 2022-01 and 2022-02
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Community Plan Exemption Checklist <br />City of Santa Ana Gary Avenue Business Park Project <br />The GPU EIR also determined that because existing sensitive receptors may be close to project -related <br />construction activities and large emitters of on -site operation -related criteria air pollutant emissions, <br />construction and operation emissions generated by individual development projects have the potential to <br />exceed South Coast AQMD's Local Significance Thresholds (LSTs). The EIR describes that Mitigation Measures <br />AQ-1 and AQ-2 would reduce the regional construction and operation emissions associated with buildout of <br />the GPU and therefore also result in a reduction of localized construction- and operation -related criteria air <br />pollutant emissions, to the extent feasible. However, even with the implementation of these mitigation <br />measures, impacts would remain significant and unavoidable. <br />The GP EIR also describes that buildout of the GPU could expose sensitive receptors to substantial <br />concentrations of toxic air contaminants JAC). Mitigation Measure AQ-3 was included to ensure mobile <br />sources of TACs not covered under South Coast AQMD permits are considered during subsequent, project - <br />level environmental review by the City of Santa Ana. The EIR describes that individual development projects <br />would be required to meet the incremental risk thresholds established by South Coast AQMD, with <br />implementation of Mitigation Measure AQ-3, and TACs would be less than significant a project level but <br />would result in a cumulative contribution to health risk that is significant and unavoidable. The GPU EIR <br />determined that the GPU Industrial and Industrial Flex land uses are not anticipated to produce odors, and <br />Mitigation Measure AQ-4 would ensure that odor impacts are minimized, and facilities would comply with <br />South Coast AQMD Rule 402. <br />Impacts Associated with the Proposed Project <br />a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? <br />No New Impact. The Project site is located in the South Coast Air Basin and is under the jurisdiction of the <br />South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). The SCAQMD and the SCAG are responsible for <br />preparing the Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP), which addresses federal and state Clean Air Act <br />(CAA) requirements. The AQMP details goals, policies, and programs for improving air quality in the Basin. <br />Criteria for determining consistency with the AQMP are defined in Chapter 12, Sections 12.2 and 12.3 of <br />the SCAQMD's CEQA Air Quality Handbook (1993). A project is considered consistent with the AQMP if it <br />would not result in or cause California Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) or National Ambient Air <br />Quality Standards (NAAQS) violations. In addition, the SCAQMD considers a project consistent with the <br />AQMP if the project would not result in an increase in the frequency or severity of existing air quality <br />violations or cause a new violation. <br />Furthermore, The South Coast Air Basin (SCAB) is in a non -attainment status for federal ozone standards, <br />federal carbon monoxide standards, and state and federal particulate matter standards. Any development <br />in the SCAB, including the proposed Project, could cumulatively contribute to these pollutant violations. Should <br />construction or operation of the proposed Project exceed these thresholds a significant impact could occur; <br />however, if estimated emissions are less than the thresholds, impacts would be considered less than significant. <br />The Project proposes to demolish the existing three buildings, which total 103,031 square feet and to <br />construct a new approximately 91,500 square foot industrial building that would accommodate two tenants <br />with 5 dock doors for each tenant. Of the 91,500 square feet, 81,500 square feet would be used for <br />warehouse facility and 10,000 square feet would be used for office space. <br />The GPU and GPU EIR assumed that the Project site would be developed with the FLEX-3 designation that <br />allows for clean industrial uses. The Project is consistent with the development assumptions for Project site in <br />the GPU EIR, and the land use designations of the GPU are consistent with the 2016 AQMP. As detailed in <br />Response b), the CalEEMod modeling prepared for the proposed Project determined that construction and <br />operation of the Project would not exceed SCAQMD thresholds, including the CAQQS and NAAQS. The <br />proposed Project is therefore considered to be consistent with the current 2016 AQMP. Therefore, the Project <br />would result in no new impacts related to conflict with implementation of an air quality plan. <br />36 <br />
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