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Item 41 - Amendment Application No. 2022-01 and Appeal Nos. 2022-01 and 2022-02
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/20/2022 Special & Regular
Item 41 - Amendment Application No. 2022-01 and Appeal Nos. 2022-01 and 2022-02
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City Clerk
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City of Santa Ana <br />of the CALGreen Code. <br />Community Plan Exemption Checklist <br />Gary Avenue Business Park Project <br />• Provide preferential parking spaces for low -emitting, fuel -efficient, and carpool/van <br />vehicles per Section A5.106.5.1 of the CALGreen Code (Nonresidential Voluntary <br />Measures). <br />• Provide facilities to support electric charging stations per Section A5.106.5.3 <br />(Nonresidential Voluntary Measures) and Section A5.106.8.2 (Residential Voluntary <br />Measures) of the CALGreen Code. <br />• Applicant -provided appliances (e.g., dishwashers, refrigerators, clothes washers, and <br />dryers) shall be Energy Star —certified appliances or appliances of equivalent energy <br />efficiency. Installation of Energy Star —certified or equivalent appliances shall be verified <br />by Building & Safety during plan check. <br />• Applicants for future development projects along existing and planned transit routes shall <br />coordinate with the City of Santa Ana and Orange County Transit Authority to ensure that <br />bus pad and shelter improvements are incorporated, as appropriate. <br />Proposed Project Applicability: Mitigation Measure AQ-2 is applicable to the proposed Project and an Air <br />Quality Assessment has been completed and provided in Appendix A. <br />AQ-3 Prior to discretionary approval by the City of Santa Ana, project applicants for new industrial or <br />warehousing development projects that 1) have the potential to generate 100 or more diesel truck <br />trips per day or have 40 or more trucks with operating diesel- powered transport refrigeration units, <br />and 2) are within 1,000 feet of a sensitive land use (e.g., residential, schools, hospitals, or nursing <br />homes), as measured from the property line of the project to the property line of the nearest sensitive <br />use, shall submit a health risk assessment (HRA) to the City of Santa Ana for review and approval. <br />The HRA shall be prepared in accordance with policies and procedures of the State Office of <br />Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and the South Coast Air Quality Management District and <br />shall include all applicable stationary and mobile/area source emissions generated by the proposed <br />project at the project site. If the HRA shows that the incremental cancer risk and/or noncancer hazard <br />index exceed the respective thresholds, as established by the South Coast AQMD at the time a <br />project is considered (i.e., 10 in one million cancer risk and 1 hazard index), the project applicant will <br />be required to identify and demonstrate that best available control technologies for toxics (T-BACTs), <br />including appropriate enforcement mechanisms, are capable of reducing potential cancer and <br />noncancer risks to an acceptable level. T-BACTs may include, but are not limited to, restricting idling <br />on -site, electrifying warehousing docks to reduce diesel particulate matter, or requiring use of newer <br />equipment and/or vehicles. T BACTs identified in the HRA shall be identified as mitigation measures <br />in the environmental document and/or incorporated into the site plan. <br />Proposed Project Applicability: Mitigation Measure AQ-3 is not applicable to the proposed Project because <br />it would only generate 44 truck trips per day, as detailed in Section 5.17, Transportation. <br />42 <br />
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