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City of Santa Ana <br />Community Plan Exemption Checklist <br />Gary Avenue Business Park Project <br />determined to have the potential to exceed the South Coast AQMD's adopted thresholds of <br />significance, the City of Santa Ana shall require that applicants for new development projects <br />incorporate mitigation measures to reduce air pollutant emissions during construction activities. <br />These identified measures shall be incorporated into all appropriate construction documents <br />(e.g., construction management plans) submitted to the City and shall be verified by the City. <br />Mitigation measures to reduce construction -related emissions could include, but are not limited to: <br />• Require fugitive -dust control measures that exceed South Coast AQMD's Rule 403, such <br />as: <br />o Use of nontoxic soil stabilizers to reduce wind erosion. <br />o Apply water every four hours to active soil -disturbing activities. <br />• Use construction equipment rated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as <br />having Tier 3 (model year 2006 or newer) or Tier 4 (model year 2008 or newer) emission <br />limits, applicable for engines between 50 and 750 horsepower <br />• Ensure that construction equipment is properly serviced and maintained to the <br />manufacturer's standards. <br />• Limit nonessential idling of construction equipment to no more than five consecutive minutes. <br />• Limit on -site vehicle travel speeds on unpaved roads to 15 miles per hour. <br />• Install wheel washers for all exiting trucks or wash off all trucks and equipment leaving the <br />project area. <br />• Use Super -Compliant VOC paints for coating of architectural surfaces whenever possible. <br />A list of Super -Compliant architectural coating manufactures can be found on the South <br />Coast AQMD's website. <br />Proposed Project Applicability: Mitigation Measure AQ-1 is applicable to the proposed Project and an Air <br />Quality Assessment has been completed and provided in Appendix A. <br />AQ-2 Prior to discretionary approval by the City of Santa Ana for development projects subject to CEQA <br />(California Environmental Quality Act) review (i.e., non-exempt projects), project applicants shall <br />prepare and submit a technical assessment evaluating potential project operation phase -related <br />air quality impacts to the City of Santa Ana for review and approval. The evaluation shall be <br />prepared in conformance with South Coast Air Quality Management District (South Coast AQMD) <br />methodology in assessing air quality impacts. If operation -related air pollutants are determined <br />to have the potential to exceed the South Coast AQMD's adopted thresholds of significance, the <br />City of Santa Ana shall require that applicants for new development projects incorporate <br />mitigation measures to reduce air pollutant emissions during operational activities. The identified <br />measures shall be included as part of the conditions of approval. Possible mitigation measures to <br />reduce long-term emissions could include, but are not limited to the following: <br />• For site -specific development that require refrigerated vehicles, the construction documents <br />shall demonstrate an adequate number of electrical service connections at loading docks <br />for plug-in for the anticipated number of refrigerated trailers to reduce idling time and <br />emissions. <br />• Applicants for manufacturing and light industrial uses shall consider energy storage and <br />combined heat and power in appropriate applications to optimize renewable energy <br />generation systems and avoid peak energy use. <br />• Site -specific developments with truck delivery and loading areas and truck parking spaces <br />shall include signage as a reminder to limit idling of vehicles while parked for <br />loading/unloading in accordance with California Air Resources Board Rule 2845 (13 CCR <br />Chapter 10 § 2485). <br />• Provide changing/shower facilities as specified in Section A5.106.4.3 of the CALGreen <br />Code (Nonresidential Voluntary Measures). <br />• Provide bicycle parking facilities per Section A4.106.9 (Residential Voluntary Measures) <br />41 <br />