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Community Plan Exemption Checklist <br />City of Santa Ana Gary Avenue Business Park Project <br />removed as part of the Project. Tree removal and/or indirect impacts from construction activity during nesting <br />season (February 1 to August 31) could result in the disturbance of nesting migratory species covered under <br />the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and California Fish and Game Code Section 3503. However, <br />compliance with these existing regulations, as ensure through the City's development permitting process, the <br />Project would not result in new impacts on migratory fish or wildlife species. <br />e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources? <br />No New Impact. The City of Santa Ana Municipal Code Chapter 33, Regulation of the Planting, <br />Maintenance, and Removal of Trees, establishes regulations and standards related to public trees and street <br />trees. The Project would install street trees along Garry Avenue that would be ensured to be incompliance <br />with City regulations through the City's development permitting process. Therefore, the Project would result <br />in no new impacts on local policies or ordinance protecting biological resources. <br />f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community <br />Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? <br />No New Impact. The Project site is outside of the Significant Ecological Areas (SEAS) identified in the GPU <br />EIR. There are no other Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved <br />local, regional, or state habitat conservation plans that apply to the Project site. Therefore, the Project would <br />result in no new impacts on habitat conservation plans. <br />Conclusion <br />With regards to the issue area of biological resources, the following findings can be made: <br />1. No peculiar impacts to the Project or its site have been identified. <br />2. There are no potentially significant off -site and/or cumulative impacts which were not discussed by <br />the GPU EIR. <br />3. No substantial new information has been identified which results in an impact which is more severe <br />than anticipated by the GPU EIR. <br />Uniformly Applied Development Policies or Standards (DP/S) <br />Compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and California Fish and Game Code Section 3503. <br />GPU EIR Mitigation Measures Applicable to the Project <br />None. <br />45 <br />