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PHASES TASKS <br />2.1— Request and Review Documentation <br />2.2 — Conduct System Requirements Workshops <br />2.3 — Document Functional Requirements <br />2.4— Document interfaces/Technical Requirements <br />2.5— Document Data Conversion Requirements <br />9SDI <br />501 PRE 5 L NCI L L C <br />DELIVERABLES <br />• Documentation Request Listing <br />• Functional and Operational Requirements <br />• Interface and Technical Requirements <br />• Data Conversion Requirements <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI understands that City staff has limited time to dedicate to this project. <br />Consequently, we will make all efforts to be as prepared as possible before asking for staff time. To <br />accomplish this, SDI will request documentation to familiarize ourselves with the current environment, <br />processes, procedures, policies, transaction levels, organizational responsibilities, reports, technical <br />documentation, etc. It is not SDI's intent to create work for the staff with this task - if requested <br />documentation does not exist, then it should not be created now. <br />DELIVERABLE: Documentation Request Listing <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will conduct workshops with the City's functional subject matter experts in all <br />City departments. Forthe Finance Department interviews, the workshops will occur at a functional level <br />(i.e. general ledger, budget, fixed assets, accounts receivable, inventory, purchasing, accounts payable, <br />grant and project accounting, treasury, etc.). For other City departments, typically a single workshop <br />per department will provide the information necessary to complete an analysis of potential ERP <br />applicability for those department functions. Outcomes of the workshops will document current <br />processes, practices, polices, and procedures related to the City's use of the ERR system. The workshops <br />will also explore unmet needs and focus on identifying new features and functions that can improve <br />the existing operations. <br />SDI's approach to conducting the systems requirements workshops involves more than just gathering <br />information from the City's subject matter experts. It includes educating and/or collaborating with staff <br />on best practices and how evolving technology capabilities (i.e. workflow, reporting, integration, <br />dashboards, document management, etc.) can be applied to the future environment. <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will utilize the information gathered during Task 2.2 above to document the <br />City's existing and desired functional requirements so that the RFP provides a comprehensive <br />description of the City's requirements. <br />DELIVERABLE: Functional and Operational Requirements <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: During our work efforts in the prior tasks, SDI will identify required or desired <br />interfaces and integration opportunities between the ERP system and other data repositories. This <br />helps ensure that an integration point or interface is not missed. In addition, SDI will work with City <br />staff to identify any interface standards that should be included in the RFP (i.e. City preferred interface <br />methods). <br />DELIVERABLE: Interface and Technical Requirements <br />Prcpo:ur i , G;y o/ Santa Anu <br />ERP Consulting Services <br />September 9, 2022 <br />