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Phase 1 — Initiate <br />The purpose of the Initiate phase is to prepare for, and initiate, the project under a well-defined work <br />plan. This stage includes confirming our understanding, as well as the understanding of the stakeholders, <br />regarding the scope of work and the process for accomplishing the overall objectives of the project. <br />PHASES TASKS DELIVERABLES <br />1.1— Project Sponsor Planning Meeting <br />1.2 — Work Plan Development and Review 'work Plan <br />1.3 —Conduct Project Kickoff Meeting Kickoff Meeting Presentation <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will meet with the City's Project Sponsor and other key staff to complete a <br />detailed review the scope of work, project timeline, deliverables, project status methods, project <br />participants (i.e. sponsor, subject matter experts, technical resources, etc.), and other items to ensure <br />a well -planned project. During this meeting, SDI will discuss the tools and templates that will be <br />leveraged. <br />TASK DESCRIPTION SDI will develop a Work Plan that identifies the project approach, methods, tasks, <br />activities, resources, schedule, budget, deliverables, issue and risk management, and major milestones. <br />DELIVERABLE: Work Plan <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: Since the project will have an enterprise -wide impact, it is important to proactively <br />communicate with all impacted staff to ensure a clear understanding of project goals and objectives, <br />roles and responsibilities, approach, tasks, and timeline. The kickoff Meeting also provides the <br />opportunity to introduce the SDI team to City staff and should involve senior level management and <br />project sponsors to provide introduction of this City-wide endeavor. It is important that all City staff <br />that will be involved in the project, regardless of their role, participates in a project kickoff. <br />DELIVERABLE: Kickoff Meeting Presentation <br />Phase 2 — Requirements <br />During Phase 2, SDI will develop an accurate and clear understanding of the current environment, as this <br />provides the initial baseline from which to begin defining the desired future state of the new ERP system. <br />During this phase it is necessary to identify and prioritize future system features and functions, and to <br />consider potential modifications to current processes through the adoption of best business practices . A <br />key success factor to implementing a best fit solution is having a comprehensive understanding of the <br />City's true needs and requirements. <br />Poposa! to City of Santo Ana <br />ERP Consulting Services <br />September 9, 2022 <br />