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Item 14 - Agreement With SDI Presence For Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Selection Professional Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
12/06/2022 Regular
Item 14 - Agreement With SDI Presence For Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Selection Professional Services
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City Clerk
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TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will work with the City to identify the evaluation team and prepare an <br />evaluator's packet that includes clear descriptions and direction of the evaluation methodology. The <br />packet will also include a scoring template to assist the evaluator in tabulating their results. <br />DELIVERABLE: Evaluation Scoring Methodology and Matrix Template <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will conduct a screening evaluation of all proposals to determine which <br />vendors and proposals meet the mandatory REP requirements and minimum qualifications. SDI will <br />present the results of our screening evaluation to the City. The City can use this information as a guide <br />to determine which proposals require a detailed review. <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: The evaluation team will review and rate the proposals per the evaluation criteria. <br />In addition, SDI will review proposals to identify issues, concerns, questions, or clarifications that should <br />be addressed, and will provide this information to the evaluation team and be available to the <br />evaluators for consultation. SDI will assist the City in arriving at a preliminary evaluation scoring matrix <br />that identifies a short list of preferred vendors. <br />DELIVERABLE: Evaluation Scoring Matrix Summary <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: Conducting proof -of -capabilities (POC) sessions with short-listed vendors is a key <br />component of the selection process. This provides the vendors with the opportunity to fully <br />demonstrate their solutions using City provided demonstration scenarios and scripts. As part of this <br />task, SDI will develop the POC meeting agenda, scenarios, and scripts forthe Cityto review. In addition, <br />SDI can facilitate interaction between the City and the vendors to help ensure the vendor is adequately <br />prepared to complete the POC. The POC provides valuable input into contract negotiations and helps <br />clarify risk areas for special consideration. <br />DELIVERABLE: POC Session Agenda and Scripts <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will facilitate the POC sessions to keep vendors on schedule and ensure all POC <br />scripts are completed. At the conclusion of each vendor POC session, SDI will facilitate a debrief meeting <br />with the evaluators to capture feedback and update the evaluation scoring matrix accordingly. This <br />information will be used in the Vendor Selection Report (Task 4.8). <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will assist the City in planning for and completing reference checks and site <br />visits (if desired by City). While SDI is available to conduct the reference checks, it has been our <br />experience that these are best performed by City staff because of the information exchange and <br />opportunity to further network. <br />i i uposaIto City of Sonto Anu <br />ERP Consulting Services <br />September 9, 2022 <br />
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