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9SDIEL <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: Using all the information and work products created to date, SDI will draft a Vendor <br />Selection Report that outlines the process followed and the results of the evaluation. SDI will provide <br />the City the opportunity to review a draft report and provide feedback. SDI will then publish a final <br />Vendor Selection Report, which can be utilized as part of the City's written recommendation for City <br />Council presentation. <br />DELIVERABLE: Vendor Selection Report <br />Phase 5 - Negotiate <br />Key terms, conditions, scope, and pricing terms must be fully resolved before concluding a final <br />agreement. The purpose of the Negotiate phase is to formalize and implement a negotiation strategy to <br />ensure the City obtains a favorable contract and all outstanding issues are resolved. SDI brings significant <br />experience in contract negotiations that will help ensure an agreement that fully protects the City while <br />supporting a successful implementation. <br />PHASES TASKS <br />5.1— Research Prior Vendor Agreements <br />5.2— Conduct Initial Agreement Review • Final Agreement with Vendor <br />5.3— Facilitate Negotiation Strategy Workshop • City Council Meeting Participation <br />5.4—Conduct Negotiation Meetings <br />5.5—Assist in Obtaining City Council Approval <br />VendorTask 5.1 - Research Prior <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: This task focuses on identifying signed agreements with agencies that are of a <br />similar size and complexity as they can provide a valuable source of information to help the City prepare <br />for negotiations. SDI will seek out and review available agreements. The review will include evaluating <br />terms and conditions, pricing, payment terms, milestones, and more. The information gathered will be <br />compared to that which was submitted with the RFP with the goal of identifying any gaps or more <br />favorable terms and conditions. <br />DELIVERABLES <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will perform a review and provide feedback of the proposed agreement <br />templates. Based on our experience, the City should expect multiple agreements (i.e. software <br />licensing, maintenance and support, professional services, 3rd party software, etc.). SDI will provide <br />the City guidance and assistance on the agreement review to help prepare for subsequent negotiations. <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will facilitate a workshop with key City staff to develop the negotiation <br />strategy. The workshop will focus on outstanding issues and questions, as well as areas of high risk that <br />need to be addressed. A well -planned negotiation strategy reduces the negotiation timeline, reduces <br />frustration among the parties, ensures the City presents a unified front, and reduces the risk that items <br />will be overlooked. <br />Proposal to City o; „nto An1u <br />ERA Consulting Services <br />September 9, 2022 <br />