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XSDIEL <br />gather information about existing processes and functions, introduce staff to the most current software <br />functionality available, and then discuss the potential benefits of adopting the more contemporary <br />functionality. This process serves the function of introducing staff to the latest software features and <br />functions, along with beginning the process of building buy -in to the adoption of new business processes. <br />In terms of change, a critical component to managing change successfully is to help staff throughout the <br />organization understand the positive outcomes of business process improvements. Helping staff <br />understand these positive outcomes is essential to getting their buy -in to the change, and our consultants <br />are skilled at helping explain the positive outcomes to all levels of staff in the organization. For example, <br />we can help explain to the Buyer how electronic workflow of a purchase requisition reduces paperwork <br />and time to process, and can also explain to a Department Director or the City Manager how a system <br />dashboard can provide immediate access to critical data for decision making. Having worked in all aspects <br />of the public sector environment, our project team is highly qualified to address the topic of change and <br />the requisite benefits of adopting best business practices. <br />Requirements Development <br />SDI approaches all of our projects with a holistic view of the needs of the organization. When developing <br />requirements for software systems, we ensure that we explore all of the organization's needs, including <br />business processes and practices and data reporting and analytics. Too often, organizations do not focus <br />on the output needs for a new system — i.e. how staff is able to extract data and perform analytics on that <br />data. SDI recognizes the importance of this aspect of our work and places emphasis on the need for data <br />extraction and reporting. <br />Onsite versus Dffsite Efforts <br />SDI's approach to project management is to maximize client engagement throughout the process, and we <br />believe this is best achieved by being onsite during the majority of the project activities. That being said, <br />during the COVID-19 pandemic SDI has successfully managed projects remotely through the use of <br />collaborative tools including Microsoft Teams, SharePoint sites, and other resources. Since each of our <br />clients has approached work activities differently during the pandemic, SDI remains flexible in our <br />approach to onsite versus offsite project management. <br />Communication During the Project <br />SDI prides itself on actively communicating throughout all phases of our projects. Active communication <br />means ensuring that our clients are provided regular project updates utilizing scheduled, written project <br />status reports. Active communication also entails regularly communicating potential project risks, issues, <br />and decision points via telephone, email, and/or in -person discussions with our clients. <br />Throughout each of the project management activities described in our methodology above, the SDI <br />project manager will be keeping the City team informed on the status of project activities through both <br />oral and written communications. Regular project status reports will be provided periodically (reporting <br />schedule will be established during Project Initiation activities). In addition, the SDI project manager will <br />be engaging (through emails, telephone and in person) with the City team and project participants <br />regularly to ensure project activities are progressing and that potential issues are resolved expeditiously. <br />We are skilled at managing communication with our clients, and quickly adapt to our clients' desired <br />methods of communication. The key to a successful procurement is open two-way communication with <br />our clients. <br />Pr oposai to City of Santa Ana <br />EAP Consulting Services <br />September 9, 2022 <br />