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ASDIEL <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will assist in defining conversion and testing requirements for items that must <br />be converted into the new system. SDI will work with the Software conversion team to ensure that <br />data extracted from the existing Eden system is properly mapped to the Munis system. <br />SDI will also assist the City in developing a testing/training environment which will allow for separate <br />testing of release software by City staff prior to production installation. <br />DELIVERABLE: Data Conversion Requirements and System Testing <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will verify and validate acceptance test results for implementation of the new <br />system that will include: <br />• System documentation • Functional tests <br />• Stress tests • Security tests <br />• Access control capabilities • Backup, restore and restart tests <br />• User acceptance test results <br />DELIVERABLE: Independent Verification and Validation <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will assist the City in identifying training requirements and creating schedules <br />for both users and technical personnel. Training should be sufficiently detailed and comprehensive to <br />ensure that City staff will be able to effectively use the system and support the system after <br />implementation. <br />DELIVERABLE: Training Requirements and Schedule <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will develop a checklist to be used to assess the City's operational readiness <br />for the new system implementation, including: <br />• Staffing plan <br />• Operational procedures <br />• Change requests <br />• Refresher training <br />• Technology refreshment <br />• Preventive maintenance <br />DELIVERABLE: Readiness Assessment Checklist <br />• System maintenance procedures <br />• Disaster backup recovery plan <br />• Modifications or enhancements <br />• Software license renewal <br />• Hardware replacement <br />TASK DESCRIPTION: SDI will oversee a phased cut -over where different modules are implemented <br />and moved into production on a staggered schedule. As each module is placed into production, the <br />software provider will be required to provide assistance for system administration, helpdesk, and on - <br />site user support for each major implementation phase or module. <br />DELIVERABLE: Oversight of Phased Implementation and Cutover into Production <br />Proposal to City of 5UIiIu : ioo <br />FRP consulting Services <br />September 4, 2022 <br />