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Item 09 - Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Round 4 Application
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
11/15/2022 Regular & Special HA
Item 09 - Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention Round 4 Application
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Last modified
8/14/2023 9:00:05 AM
Creation date
8/14/2023 8:59:46 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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13 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />The County of Orange oversees the Coordinated Entry System. The City of Santa Ana <br />will continue to participate in this system, and various sub-committees, including the <br />Coordinated Entry System preferences as it relates to shelter and housing. Typically, <br />individuals with the most urgent and severe needs on the CES list are prioritized for the <br />next housing opportunity. Some individuals remain on the CES list far too long due in part <br />to being unable to secure permanent housing due to specific barriers to housing that have <br />yet to be resolved. This may include criminal and eviction histories and sex offender <br />registrants. A diverse portfolio of housing options should be cultivated over time in an <br />effort to match units to those within the CES queue and to look more closely at specific <br />need groups, including youth needs. <br />Supportive Housing is a program that Santa Ana has embraced. It is an affordable <br />rental housing option to provide stability for vulnerable people in need who do not have <br />a home or are leaving institutions or hospitals. It is linked to intensive case management <br />and voluntary life-improving services like health care, workforce development and child <br />welfare. <br />Following on the heels of the City’s Foster Youth to Independence program, the City is <br />looking at new options for use of the HHAP youth set-aside funding. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Since 1998 the County of Orange has coordinated a comprehensive regional <br />Continuum of Care (CoC) strategy that includes the participation of all thirty-four cities in <br />Orange County, County Agencies, the County’s homeless service providers, and other <br />community groups to identify the gaps and unmet needs of the County’s homeless. <br />Orange County’s coordinated entry system accounts for the diverse needs of people <br />experiencing homelessness, responds to those needs with permanent housing <br />solutions, and incorporates various housing, healthcare, and employment systems. <br /> <br />The Orange County CoC has one Coordinated Entry System (CES) covering the entire <br />CoC geographic area. The CES has three main components to target the unique needs <br />(5) Improving and strengthening coordinated entry systems to eliminate racial bias, to create a youth-specific <br />coordinated entry system or youth-specific coordinated entry access points, or to improve the coordinated entry <br />assessment tool to ensure that it contemplates the specific needs of youth experiencing homelessness. <br />Evidence of connection with the local homelessness Coordinated Entry System.
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