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14 <br /> <br />of these subpopulations – Individuals, Families and Veterans – and increasing access to <br />available housing and supportive services. To ensure full coverage of the CoC’s <br />geographic area, the CoC utilizes Service Planning Areas to allow for targeted services <br />and resource allocation. The CES facilitates access to homeless individuals and families <br />through physical access points, countywide street outreach, a virtual front door operated <br />and a No Wrong Door approach among providers. The street outreach includes local law <br />enforcement agencies, behavioral health teams and community- and faith based <br />organizations. The behavioral health teams provide a linkage to individuals with mental <br />health and substance use resources that may not typically access homeless services and <br />connects them to CES. <br />Santa Ana actively coordinates with the Orange County Continuum of Care’s Coordinated <br />Entry System. Specifically, staff serves on the Board of the Continuum of Care (CoC) and <br />attends CoC Committee meetings. The City requires that all tenant-based and project- <br />based vouchers provided by the Santa Ana Housing Authority be tied to the CoC <br />Coordinated Entry System. All organizations working with individuals experiencing <br />homelessness and funded by the City of Santa Ana are required to use the CES for <br />referrals and required to use HMIS. This currently includes our SMART Outreach and <br />Engagement teams and the Santa Ana Police Department. The City’s Interim shelters are <br />integrated into CES and all individuals assisted at these sites are assessed. <br />Santa Ana Housing Authority has awarded 152 project-based vouchers that have been <br />tied to CES in which the service provider is required to refer families off of the CES list <br />for each project-based voucher units. In addition, our Housing Authority received 231 <br />Mainstream Program vouchers that were administered for individuals on the CES list, <br />46 Foster Youth to Independence Vouchers and 89 Emergency Housing Vouchers. This <br />coordination also includes the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Program. <br />Our Housing Authority has 280 VASH vouchers that are tied to the Veteran CES list. <br />Each tenant-based voucher and project-based voucher administered by our Housing <br />Authority for a homeless individual or family (including VASH-eligible homeless <br />veterans) is administered in coordination with CES. <br /> <br />As an entitlement jurisdiction through the Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development (HUD), our City receives Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding for <br />homeless services. For these funds, the City requires referrals to these activities to <br />come through CES. All funded organizations receiving ESG funding by the City are <br />required to participate in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). This <br />includes the City’s Interim Homeless shelter, the Link, which is integrated into the CoC’s <br />CES. This same requirement will be in place for the City’s new year-round Homeless <br />Navigation Center. <br /> <br /> <br />Emergency Shelter <br />Santa Ana’s newly opened Navigation Center operates 24 hours a day, seven days a <br />week. It provides 200 beds for men, women, couples and families, a commercial