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15 <br /> <br />kitchen, and an outdoor area for participants and their pets. Services will include case <br />management, mental health and medical services, and a robust package of supportive <br />services. Staff will work with guests to address underlying issues in an effort to gain <br />stability and work towards housing. <br /> <br />Goal 4: Engage and inform the community regarding homelessness and homeless <br />solutions. <br />Plan: Organize a focus group to engage with a diverse sector of the community. <br />To seek input on addressing homelessness, the Homeless Services Division will <br />organize a focus group to engage with a diverse sector of the community. Staff will <br />engage with organizations, including those who work closely inside the local jails in <br />hopes that their input will help to broaden the base of involvement. Discussions at <br />these meetings will also provide an opportunity for community members to become <br />more educated around homelessness. The outcome of this focus group will be shared <br />with the City Council and the internal Homeless Inter-departmental team which helps to <br />align City practices with homeless actions. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Goal 5: Close the gap of racial, ethnic and gender disparities in homeless services <br /> <br />Plan: The City will continue to ensure that access to City funded programs are open <br />and available to all. <br /> <br />The City collaborated with CA Real this past year on the development of goals and <br />commitments towards centering racial equity and lived expertise in our homelessness <br />system. We will continue to look through this equity lens in service delivery. In addition, <br />we will continue to assess, learn and implement programs as needed. <br /> <br />The City has contracted with 211 Orange County to track demographic and service <br />information on homeless clients served by the City of Santa Ana. With this information, <br />customizable reports can be created to review data associated with racial and ethnic <br />groups to determine if there are overrepresented residents experiencing homelessness <br />and to ensure all individuals have equitable access to housing and services. <br />The City of Santa Ana assists individuals experiencing homelessness regardless of <br />race, ethnicity, gender or gender identity. All individuals who are in need of assistance <br />A description of specific actions the City will take to ensure racial and gender equity in service <br />delivery, housing placements, and housing retention and in changes to procurement or other <br />means of affirming racial and ethnic groups that are overrepresented among residents <br />experiencing homelessness have equitable access to housing and services.