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Exhibit B <br />Cost Proposal <br />TCTI understands proposals are valid for a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) days following proposal <br />deadline. TCTI understands the cost for developing the Proposal is the sole responsibility of TCTI. TCTI <br />understands all property of the City. <br />upon the initial and subsequent anniversary dates of the Contract the fees shall increase by 5% for all <br />services outlined in the contract. <br />TCTI shall provide the Following services: <br />A. Follow-up/In-house Sessions - for employees involved in Critical Incidents at the rate of $150.00 per <br />hour, <br />B. Supervisor Referrals/Consultations - provide consultations with supervisors regarding problem <br />employees at the rate of $150.00 per hour. <br />C. Orientation - conduct an initial orientation for management concerning critical incident intervention and <br />support services available at No charge. <br />D. Promotional Materials - provide a electronic file for all literature for management, employees and their <br />eligible dependents, i.e., brochures, flyers, supeivisors handbooks, reference cards, etc... No Charge <br />E. ProvideAnnualConfidentialCounselingSessions(Check-lns)forPublicSafetyemployeestoassurethe <br />employee is addressing the importance of their emotional and mental welfare at the rate of $150.00 per <br />hour, <br />F. Critical Incident Intervention - provide Stand-By-Status (SBS) 24/7/365 on-call Critical Incident Stress <br />Management Services at the rate of $275,00 per hour port-to-port. <br />G. Hostage Negotiation Assistance - provide Stand-By-Status (SBS) 24/7/365 Hostage Negotiation <br />Assistance atthe rate of$275.00 per hour port-to-port. <br />H. Pre-Employment Psychological Testing (non-sworn) - provide testing for pre-hire Non-Sworn Police <br />applicants. This service will be billed at a rate of $350,00 per applicant. <br />1. Pre-Employment Psychological Testing (sworn) - provide testing for pre-hire Sworn Police applicants. <br />This testing includes the COPS-R Test. This service will be billed at a rate of $375.00 per applicant, <br />TRAINING: <br />Training - provide a wide variety of training classes.$175.00 per hour + $65,00 per hour for travel <br />24 participant minimum if hosting a training, The training can be opened to outside agencies <br />3-Day Basic Peer Support: (POST Plan Ill) $299,00 per student <br />20