2-Day Basic Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
<br />(ICISF Certified & POST Plan IV)
<br />$199,00 per student
<br />2-Day Advanced Peer Support
<br />(ICISF Certified & POST Plan IV)
<br />$199.00 per student
<br />Peer Support Consultation:$150.00 per hour
<br />Peer Support Meeting (Quarterly):$175.00 per hour + $65.00 per hour for travel
<br />Peer Support Candidate Interviews:$175,00 per hour + $65,00 per hour for travel
<br />Meditation Course: This is a 6 week online self-paced course that teaches the how, the why, the when, and
<br />the benefits of meditation at the rate of $50.00 per person.
<br />Retire Well Course: This course is for First Responders who have retired in the last 5 years or are planning
<br />to retire within 5 years. This course will provide tools to rediscover their identity, purpose, security, and
<br />acceptance upon retirement as well as improve quality of life and adaption, making the unknown known at
<br />the rate of $750.00 per person,
<br />Retreats:
<br />Reflection and Restoration (Peer Support Retreat): The R&R Retreat combines insight, education, and a
<br />fluid systemic approach designed to debrief, and to bring relief, peace, and purpose back into daily living.
<br />The goal is to guide you on to a path of self-care and realistic goals that will improve your life, your job, and
<br />your family. At the rate or $2,000.00 per attendee. (2 Y! Day Retreat)
<br />The Janus Project (Trauma Retreat): The Janus Project is designed to help those who have experienced
<br />traumatic events and/or have been affected by personal difficulties during their career through workshops,
<br />therapy, and experiential activities. The experience will address sensory overload, fear, shock, nightmare,
<br />anger, disbelief, sleep problems, frustration and other unresolved issues. At the rate of $5,500,00 per
<br />attendee. (5 '/ Day Retreat)
<br />Sage Retreat: The Sage retreat explores the cost and rewards of being the spouse/partner of a Frist
<br />Responder. This journey will help participants navigate the pride, confusion, fear, frustration, exhaustion,
<br />and lack of acknowledgment so often experienced for partners and spouses. The focus is to help guide
<br />participants on a path of self-care and realistic goals that will improve their life, marriage, and family by
<br />improving resiliency, conflict resolution skills, and personal restoration. At the rate of $3,500.00 per
<br />attendee. (3 % Day Fletreat)
<br />Behavioral Care System Development: Project based or hourly consulting at the rate of $400,00 per hour
<br />TCTI will assessi present best practices, and partner with Santa Ana PD and/or Fire and/or DPEC to create,
<br />implement, provide, and monitor a comprehensive Behavioral Care System to effectively support personnel
<br />with their personal and departmental behavioral health and wellness needs. We will do this by establishing
<br />clear goals and a comprehensive solution based on the department's needs and aid with assessing, building,
<br />and implementing a Behavioral Care Assistance system, which may include the following:
<br />* Comprehensive assessment of current systems, protocols, algorithms, vendors, etc.
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