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Item 20 - Citywide Parking Study — Consulting Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
09/06/2022 Special and Regular & HA & Special SA
Item 20 - Citywide Parking Study — Consulting Services
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City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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DIXON FEHRtPEERS <br />RESOURCES UNLIPAI -EC <br />Task A. Deliverables <br />• DIXON will assign Julie Dixon as the overall Project Manager. Kellie Dugdale will serve as the primary <br />project support and serve as the single point of contact for overall communications and project <br />coordination with the City. <br />• The Project Team will conduct an in person or virtual project kickoff meeting to prioritize objectives <br />and tasks, finalize the schedule, and request background data from the City. During this phase, the <br />Project Team will achieve a thorough understanding of site context to clarify the City's near, <br />medium, and long-term planning objectives. DIXON will prepare and distribute an agenda and <br />minutes for the kick-off meeting. <br />• In coordination with City staff, The Project Team will obtain all relevant data to assist with the <br />project including past studies, available data, staff reports, and existing parking management <br />strategies. <br />• The Project Team will conduct bi-weekly project meetings for the duration of the project. During <br />each meeting, DIXON will provide a project overview and status, highlight problems and corrective <br />measures, and present the next steps. Meetings and project status will be memorialized and <br />distributed to City Staff via e-mail. <br />Task B: Stakeholder Input <br />DIXON specializes in stakeholder engagement and communications. Each one of our municipal projects <br />introduces an element of stakeholder engagement. Input from city staff, external stakeholders, advisory <br />groups, and decision makers are a critical part of any municipal program. With each project, we assume a <br />leadership role in coordinating a public involvement strategy to ensure inclusion and transparency with a <br />broad range of stakeholders, including residents, and downtown merchants and businesses, to solicit <br />feedback and improve recommendations. This allows us to bring a local approach to the way we do business <br />and successfully identify operations, management, and technology recommendations. <br />The response to our communication efforts have been extremely positive and municipal administrators <br />have openly and readily received our recommendations as a result of ongoing stakeholder support and <br />investment. We recently completed an extensive stakeholder outreach process for the City of Costa Mesa <br />where their City Council and staff openly expressed and shared their appreciation for our hands on <br />approach and how the community felt included and heard throughout the process. <br />e.xw.e wn,.g w a.Kc <br />O.. U. uen^` <br />e� <br />Mom, # <br />ER .°° Zoom Pall <br />.ne.aymyx <br />S QlS2 $ilOfi$ <br />Multiple choice quostian will pap up <br />Select a n answer a nd submit <br />='ll chart the live rewitL <br />Examples of virtual stakeholder engagement facilitated during COVID-19. <br />Dixon Resources Unlimited I Citywide Parking Study for City of Santa Ana 13 <br />
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