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Item 20 - Citywide Parking Study — Consulting Services
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
09/06/2022 Special and Regular & HA & Special SA
Item 20 - Citywide Parking Study — Consulting Services
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City Clerk
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DIXON FEHRtPEERS <br />RESOURCES UNLIMITED <br />In addition to our direct involvement with staff, stakeholders, advisory groups, and decision makers, DIXON <br />utilizes other opportunities to involve the community including Field Intercept Interviews, Web Survey <br />Tools, Knock -and -Talk Surveys, and customized Focus Groups. We have also successfully transitioned to <br />several online outreach tools that allow for remote participation in the current COVID-19 environment. <br />Each project is unique, and we develop a public participation plan based upon localized needs. We view <br />each stakeholder meeting as an opportunity to develop our skills and apply lessons learned from past <br />projects. DIXON has been invited to present many of these lessons ("How to Identify and Define Your <br />Stakeholders") at a variety of industry conferences. <br />The Project Team's stakeholder engagement methodology is flexible, and we are committed to adapting to <br />the specific needs of each project. We utilize a combination of in -person and virtual meetings with key <br />stakeholder groups, facilitate large public meetings, and utilize online survey tools to reach as many <br />members of the community as possible. We typically recommend hosting meetings with a combination of <br />user groups including residents of single-family homes, multi -family units, business property owners, and <br />business owners so that the community can understand the diversity of parking challenges and needs. <br />Focus group meetings are another opportunity to dive deeper into the unique challenges and priorities for <br />each user group, especially when soliciting feedback about draft recommendations. <br />For the City of Tustin, after an extensive public outreach campaign, over 100 residents joined a community <br />meeting to discuss residential permit parking. In the City of Pasadena, there are several commercial areas <br />with distinct business associations, parking commissions, meter commissions, and other advisory groups <br />that influence the parking system. In addition to hosting 12+ virtual and in -person stakeholder meetings <br />throughout the span of the project, two online surveys were conducted which received over 1,200 total <br />responses. A two-day in -person stakeholder site visit was also conducted through four key business districts <br />to poll business owners and employees and encourage participation in the online survey. <br />For the City of Costa Mesa, an online Residential Parking Survey was available online with English and <br />Spanish language options. 356 residents responded, and 4 percent of respondents took the survey in <br />Spanish. Four virtual community meetings were also held at various stages of the project, with over 130+ <br />total residents in attendance. <br />Task B. Deliverables: <br />• The Project Team will formalize the public outreach and stakeholder engagement strategy and <br />timeline into a Public Participation Plan for staff comment and approval. <br />• The Project Team will coordinate up to sixty (60) public meetings and twenty (20) Advisory <br />Committee meetings. Meetings will be strategically scheduled to maximize each site visit. DIXON <br />will manage the overall plan and Fehr & Peers will provide local support. <br />• The Project Team will work with the City to develop and finalize a schedule for the public and <br />Advisory Committee meetings. <br />• The Project Team will prepare public meeting presentation materials, and miscellaneous letters <br />and memos to support the stakeholder engagement strategy. <br />• Our process will support an open and transparent relationship with stakeholders that ensures <br />collaboration with the City. We will discuss the current rules that govern residential permit parking <br />and work with stakeholders to further characterize the cause of parking shortages and demands. <br />These discussions will identify industry best practices that can be added to the City's current <br />residential permit parking program. <br />Dixon Resources Unlimited I Citywide Parking Study for City of Santa Ana 14 <br />
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